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ssh-keygen -H -F not printing. #118

Open Iron777ip opened 8 months ago

Iron777ip commented 8 months ago

Hello Mr James,

I just have an issue with the ssh-keygen -H -F when I use the IP address it does not link any key login to ubuntu1.

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 23 47 28

Everything else is working properly. I just wanted to know why is not showing the hash key.

Any guidance will be appreciated.

spurin commented 8 months ago


Can you please try the following as a test -

rm -rf ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh ubuntu1 -l ansible       <enter the password of password>
cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts

And then share the results, thanks!

Iron777ip commented 8 months ago

I assume that you trying to see if version one works.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 19 34 54

please also you can see that I have x2 versions on known_hosts.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 19 44 49

However, I was able to create the RSA keys and everything worked I just remembered that at the IP address stage, I did not have the same outcome as per the video instructions.

Many thanks.

spurin commented 8 months ago

Hi,Sorry, no, it was meant to be a -l (for login)? I’m interested in seeing if it has 2 entries after connectingOn 1 Nov 2023, at 19:51, Iron777ip @.***> wrote: I assume that you trying to see if version one works.

please also you can see that I have x2 versions on known_hosts.

However, I was able to create the RSA keys and everything worked I just remembered that at the IP address stage, I did not have the same outcome as per the video instructions. Many thanks.

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Iron777ip commented 8 months ago


I did both -l and -1 it is still the same output as before has 3 entries. unfortunately I did not screenshotted it. I did try the same commands before, but I did not make any changes so I just thought because of updates.

no changes after following commands.

rm -rf ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh ubuntu1 -l ansible exit cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts

spurin commented 8 months ago

Gotcha, thanks! I'll check this in the AM. I did recently update the images so possibly something has changed from a behaviour viewpoint 👍

spurin commented 8 months ago

Hi @Iron777ip

It's a behaviour change in ssh, it's no longer auto-creating the reverse DNS entries as it was when I originally created the video, I confirmed it with the following -

# Fingerprint is not known for ubuntu1 at this point -
ansible@ubuntu-c:~$ ssh ubuntu1 -l ansible
The authenticity of host 'ubuntu1 (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:2uchNnRsC5eF+6LuI/jaWI1Wsb9LX97KE36uq/cIPd0.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'ubuntu1' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.

ansible@ubuntu1:~$ exit
Connection to ubuntu1 closed.

# These are the existing entries -
ansible@ubuntu-c:~$ cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts
|1|3SlkO3G7zpD9BO4n/mp7/BKLa8E=|/bEugV+3woRh3N9V7HeQm4/LaKA= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOW90djP8pFLEbpDd3AnLjOUy1FT9imbW7g+3lyOUbmF
|1|KeDEfRnFYkiYMGMoeSjKsmXTl7A=|sdEE+VOTwi7Yrnl9v2PVp1pFrmY= ssh-rsa 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
|1|h6EP3UJovfJN88ccwPbejuIEhPc=|LO6fiP/RH+zQDIiEfDRyBSzJyZE= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBAIllTL6bzJMZp11kPM/Fo9Ufr07yim/KQDPkNz0yhElrd+kx5+tpOVp7AIyXxYhfA0pkuxVdlzCxuVDm/Ls3fk=

# Connect to the IP, note the new message, it knows it's another name but, it's over precautious -
ansible@ubuntu-c:~$ ssh -l ansible
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:2uchNnRsC5eF+6LuI/jaWI1Wsb9LX97KE36uq/cIPd0.
This host key is known by the following other names/addresses:
    ~/.ssh/known_hosts:1: [hashed name]
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Thu Nov  2 12:40:39 2023 from
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.

ansible@ubuntu1:~$ exit
Connection to closed.
ansible@ubuntu-c:~$ cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts
|1|3SlkO3G7zpD9BO4n/mp7/BKLa8E=|/bEugV+3woRh3N9V7HeQm4/LaKA= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOW90djP8pFLEbpDd3AnLjOUy1FT9imbW7g+3lyOUbmF
|1|KeDEfRnFYkiYMGMoeSjKsmXTl7A=|sdEE+VOTwi7Yrnl9v2PVp1pFrmY= ssh-rsa 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
|1|h6EP3UJovfJN88ccwPbejuIEhPc=|LO6fiP/RH+zQDIiEfDRyBSzJyZE= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBAIllTL6bzJMZp11kPM/Fo9Ufr07yim/KQDPkNz0yhElrd+kx5+tpOVp7AIyXxYhfA0pkuxVdlzCxuVDm/Ls3fk=
|1|EVGDyg/C2b2SB3gkP/ODJYS+oUI=|9rBxEpF5PoqWoTn3g77IeuTf5ZQ= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOW90djP8pFLEbpDd3AnLjOUy1FT9imbW7g+3lyOUbmF

I'm guessing this is an enhancement to SSH which is great! I'll add a note to this video! Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention