spurin / diveintoansible-lab

Dive Into Ansible Lab
850 stars 531 forks source link

The docker compose setup seems to never be completed. #23

Closed emvaldes closed 3 years ago

emvaldes commented 3 years ago
~ ansible (master *=) $ docker-compose up ;
Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try `docker compose up`

Creating network "diveinto.io" with the default driver
Pulling ubuntu-c (spurin/diveintoansible:ansible)...
ansible: Pulling from spurin/diveintoansible
5d3b2c2d21bb: Pull complete
3fc2062ea667: Pull complete
75adf526d75b: Pull complete
e339760bac62: Pull complete
8ad8c7b7fa7b: Pull complete
3bb6a137e325: Pull complete
6532536d6bc2: Pull complete
9a9c0eb2ea70: Pull complete
4137c2b32ea4: Pull complete
e48f12d1dc21: Pull complete
0d3b4350af8a: Pull complete
3a75fb0366e3: Pull complete
4c107a58d19e: Pull complete
7c640152e81a: Pull complete
6cf44857584d: Pull complete
3a34c2528018: Pull complete
f894ffefa016: Pull complete
232302f36bf7: Pull complete
6c992b5ac2d4: Pull complete
bb3d24d53ab8: Pull complete
9adcb890eee6: Pull complete
22d5107aa0e5: Pull complete
ff2c1289b326: Pull complete
e528502cdd79: Pull complete
72aa8134d01d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:1f6c2140403cd5b16a774c7f84e1eb94bb0eb55a10d0aa34c0df3af4673e6fc5
Status: Downloaded newer image for spurin/diveintoansible:ansible
Pulling ubuntu1 (spurin/diveintoansible:ubuntu)...
ubuntu: Pulling from spurin/diveintoansible
5d3b2c2d21bb: Already exists
3fc2062ea667: Already exists
75adf526d75b: Already exists
e339760bac62: Already exists
8ad8c7b7fa7b: Already exists
3bb6a137e325: Already exists
6532536d6bc2: Already exists
9a9c0eb2ea70: Already exists
4137c2b32ea4: Already exists
e48f12d1dc21: Already exists
0d3b4350af8a: Already exists
3a75fb0366e3: Already exists
4c107a58d19e: Already exists
7c640152e81a: Already exists
6cf44857584d: Already exists
3a34c2528018: Already exists
f894ffefa016: Already exists
a9cf06fa295f: Pull complete
0e74c8266ab6: Pull complete
238a3e65ef4c: Pull complete
408e1bbc82ec: Pull complete
f4c3c9fcf327: Pull complete
570a11145e41: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:298fbe61ecd8a64befade9eca6d3c4f25e3456610b6a8d1089bbc1bb3204ea17
Status: Downloaded newer image for spurin/diveintoansible:ubuntu
Pulling centos1 (spurin/diveintoansible:centos)...
centos: Pulling from spurin/diveintoansible
7a0437f04f83: Pull complete
cf83964885fa: Pull complete
f4744ad0a4ea: Pull complete
4ba305f74535: Pull complete
02fa94a92434: Pull complete
6ce61af718a6: Pull complete
c66795ead3c6: Pull complete
8b43e21f63a5: Pull complete
de112777223f: Pull complete
9ccfe64c4750: Pull complete
fd1752c8a3ce: Pull complete
803d902310ce: Pull complete
db2e3b4e6fb9: Pull complete
b79a8c79c185: Pull complete
2b2d9c5c665f: Pull complete
dcde7528f057: Pull complete
f7ea90ee9b0b: Pull complete
05215915c7a4: Pull complete
b55deb2f7b84: Pull complete
6848c5120027: Pull complete
c806c1eb0cad: Pull complete
1e7898b3f2d0: Pull complete
60f557c24918: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:feacec0a3f62489e086021c2184f0398360cb85795ef039502fcba2155e5cec4
Status: Downloaded newer image for spurin/diveintoansible:centos
Pulling docker (spurin/diveintoansible:dind)...
dind: Pulling from spurin/diveintoansible
ba3557a56b15: Pull complete
94caa5d1da70: Pull complete
a10a29983da5: Pull complete
3d6ccddb7fa4: Pull complete
ed1bef566495: Pull complete
201a9d1142eb: Pull complete
0806b78d1f4d: Pull complete
7487d64c1d39: Pull complete
3803ba42d066: Pull complete
3b73e0fabdc0: Pull complete
5243cc195ad1: Pull complete
79d36018d4a9: Pull complete
c4fbbab13042: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:13df3e0405efac005143305fef876e4071067ece61495eac92f3f0bd407cd49d
Status: Downloaded newer image for spurin/diveintoansible:dind
Pulling portal (spurin/diveintoansible:portal)...
portal: Pulling from spurin/diveintoansible
75646c2fb410: Pull complete
6128033c842f: Pull complete
71a81b5270eb: Pull complete
b5fc821c48a1: Pull complete
da3f514a6428: Pull complete
3be359fed358: Pull complete
e929c3b67e96: Pull complete
ff591297d60d: Pull complete
2ebe35a09969: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:7836d47176865e0314caaa6ecff920f5b923daac1d5f45d105c5eb2cf60a076e
Status: Downloaded newer image for spurin/diveintoansible:portal
Creating ubuntu3  ... done
Creating docker   ... done
Creating centos2  ... done
Creating centos3  ... done
Creating ubuntu2  ... done
Creating ubuntu-c ... done
Creating centos1  ... done
Creating ubuntu1  ... done
Creating portal   ... done
Attaching to docker, centos1, centos3, ubuntu1, ubuntu-c, ubuntu2, centos2, ubuntu3, portal
emvaldes commented 3 years ago
$ docker version

Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Cloud integration: 1.0.12
 Version:           20.10.5
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.13.15
 Git commit:        55c4c88
 Built:             Tue Mar  2 20:13:00 2021
 OS/Arch:           darwin/amd64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          20.10.5
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.13.15
  Git commit:       363e9a8
  Built:            Tue Mar  2 20:15:47 2021
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.4.4
  GitCommit:        05f951a3781f4f2c1911b05e61c160e9c30eaa8e
  Version:          1.0.0-rc93
  GitCommit:        12644e614e25b05da6fd08a38ffa0cfe1903fdec
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0
  Version:          v1.19.7
  StackAPI:         Unknown
$ docker --version

Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
emvaldes commented 3 years ago

^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
Stopping portal   ... done
Stopping ubuntu2  ... done
Stopping centos1  ... done
Stopping ubuntu1  ... done
Stopping ubuntu-c ... done
Stopping centos2  ... done
Stopping centos3  ... done
Stopping ubuntu3  ... done
Stopping docker   ... done
emvaldes commented 3 years ago
~ ansible (master *%=) $ docker images

REPOSITORY                           TAG                                                     IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
ubuntu                               latest                                                  26b77e58432b   2 weeks ago     72.9MB
spurin/diveintoansible               portal                                                  53291e69040f   3 weeks ago     142MB
spurin/diveintoansible               centos                                                  ad5b67de8cd5   3 weeks ago     425MB
spurin/diveintoansible               ansible                                                 e3a758f34606   3 weeks ago     956MB
spurin/diveintoansible               ubuntu                                                  fd47aa2a0c24   5 weeks ago     350MB
spurin/diveintoansible               dind                                                    ebfa76a6f6d9   5 weeks ago     258MB
docker/desktop-kubernetes            kubernetes-v1.19.7-cni-v0.8.5-critools-v1.17.0-debian   93b3398dbfde   2 months ago    285MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy                v1.19.7                                                 9d368f4517bb   3 months ago    118MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager   v1.19.7                                                 67b3bca112d1   3 months ago    111MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver            v1.19.7                                                 c15e4f843f01   3 months ago    119MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler            v1.19.7                                                 4fa642720eea   3 months ago    45.6MB
k8s.gcr.io/etcd                      3.4.13-0                                                0369cf4303ff   7 months ago    253MB
k8s.gcr.io/coredns                   1.7.0                                                   bfe3a36ebd25   10 months ago   45.2MB
docker/desktop-storage-provisioner   v1.1                                                    e704287ce753   13 months ago   41.8MB
docker/desktop-vpnkit-controller     v1.0                                                    79da37e5a3aa   13 months ago   36.6MB
k8s.gcr.io/pause                     3.2                                                     80d28bedfe5d   14 months ago   683kB
emvaldes commented 3 years ago
~ ansible (master *%=) $ docker-compose --version ;

docker-compose version 1.29.0, build 07737305
emvaldes commented 3 years ago

Ignore this reported issue as it's the expected behavior to wait and without logs the process stays there to list future outputs. If you want to avoid this, just go and use the detach mode instead.