spurin / diveintokubernetes

Dive Into Kubernetes - Getting Started with Containers, Docker and Kubernetes
137 stars 27 forks source link

Link with cloudflare CNAME error #7

Open neilcaldwell opened 7 months ago

neilcaldwell commented 7 months ago

From the page https://diveinto.com/courses/dive-into-kubernetes-get-started-with-docker-and-kubernetes/lectures/46626846 there is a link to Diveinto Community: Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 11 46 15 pm

The link comes out as https://community.diveinto.com/?_ga=2.41815078.503078869.1710247525-1397752183.1709737984 it seems like the ?_ga= part is causing an issue with the page hosted, as per

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 11 46 01 pm

Seems like something on the cloudflare side could be updated, according to https://community.cloudflare.com/t/my-website-is-down-i-am-getting-an-error-1014-cross-user-banned/589358

Removing the ? allows cloudflare to redirect to https://communityinviter.com/apps/diveintocommunity/join-diveinto correctly. FYI.