sputnikdev / eclipse-smarthome-bluetooth-binding

Eclipse SmartHome Bluetooth Binding
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Bluegiga transport steals all serial ports #55

Open vkolotov opened 5 years ago

vkolotov commented 5 years ago


It seems to me, that once your Bluetooth binding is activated, other bindings which are using serial usb adapters are suffering from it. I’ve observed it in combination with the Zigbee binding (which you are already aware of) and the ZWave binding.

For example ZWave controller thing If no Bluetooth binding is installed, the ZWave controller thing let me choose out of the full list of existing serial ports:


… or a Zigbee coordinator (still the full list of serial ports):


… now I’m going to install the Market-Bluetooth-Binding and configure it to use “/dev/bluegigattyACM*”


When I now check for the available serial ports for the other bindings, the list is limited to just “/dev/bluegigattyACM1” For example again the Zigbee:


… same for the ZWave:


This prevents the other bindings from working (at least if not started and initialized before the Bluetooth binding). It seems that the Bluetooth binding is somehow “stealing” the serial ports from the other bindings.

Chris has suggested to stop the USB serial discovery bundles on Linux ESH/openHAB which seemed to help in a couple of attempts (restart openhab/reboot system). But after some tries, the issue re-occured…

You’ve already answered, that you are not touching any “foreign” port by intention. Though: May I ask you again looking into it?

curlyel commented 5 years ago

Hi Vlad, maybe we can have a selectable "delayed start" option to pause the start of the Bluegiga transport (or the whole bluetooth binding) to mitigate the issue. See: https://community.openhab.org/t/zwave-and-bluetooth-blugiga-marketbinding-not-working-together/60363/14?u=curlyel

curlyel commented 5 years ago

The issue seems not be limited to virtualized setups: https://community.openhab.org/t/zwave-and-bluetooth-blugiga-marketbinding-not-working-together/60363/19?u=curlyel

alijaf123 commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this?