sputnikdev / eclipse-smarthome-bluetooth-binding

Eclipse SmartHome Bluetooth Binding
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nut mini disappeared #83

Open pmknowles opened 5 years ago

pmknowles commented 5 years ago

I have 2 nut minis which I use for presence detection. A few weeks ago one of the disappeared from openHAB. Bluetooth devices appear in the Inbox but none have the same MAC address. The one that still appears has an ID which is different to the MAC address. Is it possible to add a device as a Thing in a things file? Is there a method of determining the MAC address from the ID which appears? For instance, the MAC for the one in the image begins with 5F:15 mint

vkolotov commented 5 years ago

Hi @pmknowles, from the screenshot above I can see that your nut has not been detected/added properly. It should have been detected as BLE enabled Bluetooth device (not as Beacon Bluetooth device). If it was detected as BLE enabled Bluetooth device, then it would had ID that contains MAC address (see below, C07E988FF428 is a mac address of my nut).


I suggest you to remove this thing and re-add it again. It looks like there was a glitch or something... Just when you add your nut from inbox, make sure it has BLE enabled Bluetooth device type.

vkolotov commented 5 years ago

If one your nut has disappeared, make sure you can see it by using some other device, e.g. your mobile phone for example. I suspect that it has flat battery.

pmknowles commented 5 years ago

I only ever see beacons in the Inbox. I deleted the device and it reappeared as nut but again as a beacon. The other device is seen by the nut Android app (both are). I'm running OH2.4 on W10 with your original binding because I couldn't get the 2.4 binding to work in W10. I've tried adding the nut manually in paperui but there doesn't seem to be a way to put the MAC into the config. Adding as a Thing in a things file doesn't seem to work either beacon

pmknowles commented 5 years ago

I've added it manually as a BLE and changed the ID in the config page to the MAC and it seems to work. Will delete the other and add back manually

vkolotov commented 5 years ago

The issue is still reoccurs.