sputnikdev / eclipse-smarthome-bluetooth-binding

Eclipse SmartHome Bluetooth Binding
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Add support for Gigaset G-Tag? #84

Open BastianFie opened 5 years ago

BastianFie commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to add support for the Gigaset G-Tags?

Here is an btle.py output from one device (all my devices starts with "7C:2F:80:AD"):

Connecting to: 7C:2F:80:AD:xx:xx, address type: public
Service <uuid=Generic Attribute handleStart=12 handleEnd=15> :
    Characteristic <Service Changed>, hnd=0xd, supports READ INDICATE
    -> '\x01\x00\xff\xff'
Service <uuid=Generic Access handleStart=1 handleEnd=9> :
    Characteristic <Device Name>, hnd=0x2, supports READ
    -> 'Gigaset G-tag'
    Characteristic <Appearance>, hnd=0x4, supports READ
    -> '\x00\x00'
    Characteristic <Peripheral Privacy Flag>, hnd=0x6, supports READ WRITE
    -> '\x00'
    Characteristic <Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters>, hnd=0x8, supports READ
    -> '\xc8\x00?\x01\x04\x00X\x02'
Service <uuid=Battery Service handleStart=25 handleEnd=28> :
    Characteristic <Battery Level>, hnd=0x1a, supports NOTIFY READ
    -> 'd'
Service <uuid=Device Information handleStart=16 handleEnd=24> :
    Characteristic <Manufacturer Name String>, hnd=0x11, supports READ
    -> 'Gigaset'
    Characteristic <Model Number String>, hnd=0x13, supports READ
    -> 'G-tag'
    Characteristic <Firmware Revision String>, hnd=0x15, supports READ
    -> 'v_3.0.6.0'
    Characteristic <Software Revision String>, hnd=0x17, supports READ
    -> 'v_3.50.2.07'

Useful would be the "Battery Level" as a channel for me. However the only channel which is added is currently the RSSI.