spybaby1 / 360-react-pannellum

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"Your browser does not support WebGL" Error message #7

Open danZib opened 6 years ago

danZib commented 6 years ago

I just tried the demo code but my panorama is displayed not in full height and with an error message printed below it :

Pannellum by Your browser does not support WebGL. Click here to view this panorama in an alternative viewer.

Here is an image as well: https://imgur.com/a/xdpt7n9

I'm on a rather old machine but WebGL is supported and all the examples on the Pannellum page are running for me, I'm actually able to manipulate e.g. zoom the small snippet of the pannellum viewer in my app.

So the real issue might only be that my viewer is not shown full height because of those text divs. What would be the most straightforward way to suppress those? Thank you very much in advance already.

Some more info: OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.6 PC: MacBook Pro Early 2011 Browser: Tried on Chrome, FireFox and Safari (all newest version) react version: 16.4.1 360-react-pannellum version: 0.0.3

danZib commented 6 years ago

Okay sorry, I'm stupid. I just didn't consider integrating the Pannellum cdn, somehow thought they would be integrated.