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Collapse Code Arrows disappear on second Panel #13726

Open jmoraispk opened 4 years ago

jmoraispk commented 4 years ago


What steps will reproduce the problem?

Steps to reproduce: 1- Go to Editor Pane; 2- In the top right corner options, sellect: split horizontally.

Notice that the second editor panel won't have the arrows for code collapsing.



# Mandatory:
atomicwrites >=1.2.0           :  1.4.0 (OK)
chardet >=2.0.0                :  3.0.4 (OK)
cloudpickle >=0.5.0            :  1.6.0 (OK)
diff_match_patch >=20181111    :  20200713 (OK)
intervaltree                   :  None (OK)
IPython >=4.0                  :  7.18.1 (OK)
jedi =0.17.1                   :  0.17.1 (OK)
nbconvert >=4.0                :  5.6.1 (OK)
numpydoc >=0.6.0               :  1.1.0 (OK)
paramiko >=2.4.0               :  2.7.2 (OK)
parso =0.7.0                   :  0.7.0 (OK)
pexpect >=4.4.0                :  4.8.0 (OK)
pickleshare >=0.4              :  0.7.5 (OK)
psutil >=5.3                   :  5.7.2 (OK)
pygments >=2.0                 :  2.6.1 (OK)
pylint >=1.0                   :  2.6.0 (OK)
pyls >=0.34.0;<1.0.0           :  0.34.1 (OK)
qdarkstyle >=2.8               :  2.8.1 (OK)
qtawesome >=0.5.7              :  0.7.2 (OK)
qtconsole >=4.6.0              :  4.7.6 (OK)
qtpy >=1.5.0                   :  1.9.0 (OK)
rtree >=0.8.3                  :  0.9.4 (OK)
sphinx >=0.6.6                 :  3.2.1 (OK)
spyder_kernels >=1.9.4;<1.10.0 :  1.9.4 (OK)
watchdog                       :  None (OK)
zmq >=17                       :  19.0.1 (OK)

# Optional:
cython >=0.21                  :  0.29.21 (OK)
matplotlib >=2.0.0             :  3.3.1 (OK)
numpy >=1.7                    :  1.19.1 (OK)
pandas >=0.13.1                :  1.1.1 (OK)
scipy >=0.17.0                 :  1.5.0 (OK)
sympy >=0.7.3                  :  1.6.2 (OK)
steff456 commented 4 years ago

Hi @jmoraispk,

I was able to reproduce your error, we will work in this for our next release of Spyder

Thanks for reporting!

steff456 commented 4 years ago

@andfoy please take a look at this one

jmoraispk commented 3 years ago

Hey @steff456, @andfoy, Just to mention that this is still quite cumbersome since collapsing code essentially only works on the first panel. It would be great if it could be added back as a milestone for the next versions. Thank you.

jmoraispk commented 3 years ago

Uhm... I just noticed that sometimes it works as intended. I don't know an incomplete fix was issued, but I'll report again when I know more about how to reproduce this now.