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iPython Console stop responding when pressing Ctrl + Shift + D #21328

Open chguw opened 1 year ago

chguw commented 1 year ago

Problem Description

iPython Console stop responding when pressing Ctrl + Shift + D.

What steps reproduce the problem?

  1. Remap Ctrl + Shift + D to duplicate line down in Preferences
  2. Focus the cursor in iPython Console
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + D and then:




# Mandatory:
atomicwrites >=1.2.0                                                        :  1.4.1 (OK)
chardet >=2.0.0                                                             :  5.2.0 (OK)
cloudpickle >=0.5.0                                                         :  2.2.1 (OK)
cookiecutter >=1.6.0                                                        :  2.3.0 (OK)
diff_match_patch >=20181111                                                 :  20230430 (OK)
intervaltree                                                                :  None (OK)
IPython >=7.31.1,<9.0.0,!=8.8.0,!=8.9.0,!=8.10.0,!=8.11.0,!=8.12.0,!=8.12.1 :  8.12.2 (OK)
jedi >=0.17.2,<0.19.0                                                       :  0.18.2 (OK)
jellyfish >=0.7                                                             :  1.0.0 (OK)
jsonschema >=3.2.0                                                          :  4.19.0 (OK)
keyring >=17.0.0                                                            :  24.2.0 (OK)
nbconvert >=4.0                                                             :  7.8.0 (OK)
numpydoc >=0.6.0                                                            :  1.5.0 (OK)
paramiko >=2.4.0                                                            :  3.3.1 (OK)
parso >=0.7.0,<0.9.0                                                        :  0.8.3 (OK)
pexpect >=4.4.0                                                             :  4.8.0 (OK)
pickleshare >=0.4                                                           :  0.7.5 (OK)
psutil >=5.3                                                                :  5.9.5 (OK)
pygments >=2.0                                                              :  2.16.1 (OK)
pylint >=2.5.0,<3.0                                                         :  2.17.5 (OK)
pylint_venv >=3.0.2                                                         :  3.0.2 (OK)
pyls_spyder >=0.4.0                                                         :  0.4.0 (OK)
pylsp >=1.7.4,<1.8.0                                                        :  1.7.4 (OK)
pylsp_black >=1.2.0,<3.0.0                                                  :  1.3.0 (OK)
qdarkstyle >=3.0.2,<3.2.0                                                   :  3.1 (OK)
qstylizer >=0.2.2                                                           :  0.2.2 (OK)
qtawesome >=1.2.1                                                           :  1.2.3 (OK)
qtconsole >=5.4.2,<5.5.0                                                    :  5.4.3 (OK)
qtpy >=2.1.0                                                                :  2.4.0 (OK)
rtree >=0.9.7                                                               :  1.0.1 (OK)
setuptools >=49.6.0                                                         :  68.1.2 (OK)
sphinx >=0.6.6                                                              :  7.1.2 (OK)
spyder_kernels >=2.4.4,<2.5.0                                               :  2.4.4 (OK)
textdistance >=4.2.0                                                        :  4.5.0 (OK)
three_merge >=0.1.1                                                         :  0.1.1 (OK)
watchdog                                                                    :  3.0.0 (OK)
zmq >=22.1.0                                                                :  25.1.1 (OK)

# Optional:
cython >=0.21                                                               :  3.0.2 (OK)
matplotlib >=3.0.0                                                          :  3.7.2 (OK)
numpy >=1.7                                                                 :  1.24.4 (OK)
pandas >=1.1.1                                                              :  2.0.3 (OK)
scipy >=0.17.0                                                              :  1.10.1 (OK)
sympy >=0.7.3                                                               :  1.12 (OK)

# Spyder plugins:
spyder_terminal.terminalplugin 1.2.2                                        :  1.2.2 (OK)
dalthviz commented 9 months ago

Hi @chguw thank you for the feedback! I think what is happening is that the duplicate line down shortcut only applies for the Editor pane (the context column in the shortcuts table shows editor since that feature only applies to the Editor):


By default, using that shortcut should bring up the Online Help pane (its context is _ which means that the functionality triggering and its defined shortcut work over all the Spyder interface)


but when you use it for the Editor duplicate line down functionality, that enables the IPython Console pane to recognize the shortcut as a trigger to quit the current console (which most probably is a behavior that comes from QtConsole) 🤔

Pinging @ccordoba12 just in case he has more info about how QtConsole could be using the Ctrl + Shift + D shortcut