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Spyder crashes when PyQwt is installed on Windows 10 #2834

Closed petebachant closed 7 years ago

petebachant commented 8 years ago

pythonw.exe simply crashes. Doesn't seem to be a duplicate of #2830. No console output when run with spyder --show-console, and spyder --reset did not help.

Conda env:

name: root
- _license=1.1=py34_1
- alabaster=0.7.6=py34_0
- anaconda=2.3.0=np19py34_0
- anaconda-client=1.1.2=py34_0
- argcomplete=1.0.0=py34_1
- astropy=1.0.4=np19py34_0
- babel=2.1.1=py34_0
- backports_abc=0.4=py34_0
- bcolz=0.11.3=py34_0
- beautiful-soup=4.3.2=py34_1
- beautifulsoup4=4.4.1=py34_0
- bitarray=0.8.1=py34_1
- blaze-core=0.8.3=py34_0
- blz=0.6.2=np19py34_1
- bokeh=0.10.0=py34_0
- boto=2.38.0=py34_0
- bottleneck=1.0.0=np19py34_0
- bzip2=1.0.6=vc10_2
- cffi=1.2.1=py34_0
- clyent=1.1.0=py34_0
- colorama=0.3.3=py34_0
- comtypes=1.1.2=py34_0
- conda=3.18.6=py34_0
- conda-build=1.18.2=py34_0
- conda-env=2.4.4=py34_2
- configobj=5.0.6=py34_0
- cryptography=1.0.2=py34_0
- cython=0.23.4=py34_0
- cytoolz=0.7.4=py34_0
- datashape=0.4.7=np19py34_1
- decorator=4.0.4=py34_0
- docutils=0.12=py34_1
- dynd-python=0.6.5=np19py34_0
- fastcache=1.0.2=py34_0
- flask=0.10.1=py34_1
- freetype=2.5.5=vc10_0
- funcsigs=0.4=py34_0
- greenlet=0.4.9=py34_0
- h5py=2.5.0=np19py34_2
- hdf5=
- idna=2.0=py34_0
- ipykernel=4.1.1=py34_0
- ipython=4.0.0=py34_1
- ipython-notebook=4.0.4=py34_3
- ipython-qtconsole=4.0.1=py34_4
- ipython_genutils=0.1.0=py34_0
- ipywidgets=4.1.0=py34_0
- itsdangerous=0.24=py34_0
- jdcal=1.0=py34_0
- jedi=0.9.0=py34_0
- jinja2=2.8=py34_0
- jpeg=8d=vc10_0
- jsonschema=2.4.0=py34_0
- jupyter=1.0.0=py34_0
- jupyter_client=4.1.1=py34_0
- jupyter_console=4.0.3=py34_0
- jupyter_core=4.0.6=py34_0
- launcher=1.0.0=4
- libpng=1.6.17=vc10_1
- libsodium=1.0.3=0
- libtiff=4.0.6=vc10_1
- llvmlite=0.8.0=py34_0
- lxml=3.4.4=py34_0
- markdown=2.6.2=py34_0
- markupsafe=0.23=py34_0
- matplotlib=1.4.3=np19py34_1
- menuinst=1.2.2=py34_0
- mingw=4.7=1
- mistune=0.7.1=py34_0
- mock=1.3.0=py34_0
- msvc_runtime=1.0.1=vc10_0
- multipledispatch=0.4.8=py34_0
- nbconvert=4.0.0=py34_0
- nbformat=4.0.1=py34_0
- networkx=1.10=py34_0
- nltk=3.1=py34_0
- node-webkit=0.10.1=0
- nose=1.3.7=py34_0
- notebook=4.0.6=py34_0
- numba=0.22.1=np19py34_0
- numexpr=2.4.4=np19py34_0
- numpy=1.9.3=py34_0
- odo=0.3.4=py34_0
- openpyxl=2.2.6=py34_0
- openssl=1.0.2d=vc10_0
- pandas=0.17.0=np19py34_0
- patch=2.5.9=1
- path.py=8.1.2=py34_1
- patsy=0.4.0=np19py34_0
- pbr=1.3.0=py34_0
- pep8=1.6.2=py34_0
- pickleshare=0.5=py34_0
- pillow=3.0.0=py34_1
- pip=7.1.2=py34_0
- ply=3.8=py34_0
- psutil=3.2.2=py34_0
- py=1.4.30=py34_0
- pyasn1=0.1.9=py34_0
- pycosat=0.6.1=py34_0
- pycparser=2.14=py34_0
- pycrypto=2.6.1=py34_3
- pyflakes=1.0.0=py34_0
- pygments=2.0.2=py34_0
- pyopenssl=0.15.1=py34_1
- pyparsing=2.0.3=py34_0
- pyqt=4.11.4=py34_4
- pyreadline=2.1=py34_0
- pytables=3.2.2=np19py34_0
- pytest=2.8.1=py34_0
- python=3.4.3=4
- python-dateutil=2.4.2=py34_0
- pytz=2015.7=py34_0
- pywin32=219=py34_1
- pyyaml=3.11=py34_2
- pyzmq=14.7.0=py34_1
- qt=4.8.7=vc10_5
- qtconsole=4.1.1=py34_0
- requests=2.8.1=py34_0
- rope=0.9.4=py34_1
- runipy=0.1.3=py34_0
- scikit-image=0.11.3=np19py34_0
- scikit-learn=0.16.1=np19py34_0
- scipy=0.16.0=np19py34_0
- seaborn=0.6.0=np19py34_0
- setuptools=18.5=py34_0
- simplegeneric=0.8.1=py34_0
- sip=4.16.9=py34_2
- six=1.10.0=py34_0
- snowballstemmer=1.2.0=py34_0
- sockjs-tornado=1.0.1=py34_0
- sphinx=1.3.1=py34_0
- sphinx_rtd_theme=0.1.7=py34_0
- spyder=2.3.8=py34_0
- spyder-app=2.3.8=py34_0
- sqlalchemy=1.0.9=py34_0
- statsmodels=0.6.1=np19py34_0
- sympy=
- tk=8.5.18=vc10_0
- toolz=0.7.4=py34_0
- tornado=4.3=py34_0
- traitlets=4.0.0=py34_0
- ujson=1.33=py34_0
- virtualenv=13.0.1=py34_0
- werkzeug=0.11.2=py34_0
- wheel=0.26.0=py34_1
- xlrd=0.9.4=py34_0
- xlsxwriter=0.7.7=py34_0
- xlwings=0.5.0=py34_0
- xlwt=1.0.0=py34_0
- zeromq=4.1.3=vc10_1
- zlib=1.2.8=vc10_2
- pip:
  - acspy (c:\users\pete\google drive\python\acspy)==0.0.3
  - airfoilprep.py==0.1.0
  - backports-abc==0.4
  - blaze==0.8.3
  - blinker==1.4
  - commonmark==0.5.4
  - daqmx==0.0.2
  - django==1.8.4
  - feedgenerator==1.7
  - foampy (c:\users\pete\google drive\python\foampy)==0.0.3
  - guidata==1.6.2
  - guiqwt==2.3.2
  - image==1.4.1
  - imageio==1.3
  - ipython-genutils==0.1.0
  - jsanimation==0.1
  - jupyter-client==4.1.1
  - jupyter-console==4.0.3
  - jupyter-core==4.0.6
  - micronopt==0.0.2
  - moviepy==
  - nortek==0.0.1
  - pelican==3.6.3
  - progressbar33==2.4
  - pxl==0.0.6
  - pydaqmx==1.3.1
  - pyqtgraph==0.9.10
  - pyqwt==5.2.1
  - pytdms==0.0.2
  - python-qwt==6.1.2a6
  - pywapi==0.3.8
  - rope-py3k-0.9.4==1
  - sphinx-rtd-theme==0.1.7
  - tables==3.2.2
  - tow==0.2.0
  - tqdm==1.0
  - unidecode==0.4.18
  - wand==0.4.1
ccordoba12 commented 8 years ago

It seems you have a lot of packages in your environment! Could you create a new environment with only Spyder to see if that prevents the crash?

petebachant commented 8 years ago

It will run in its own env. For what it's worth I have another PyQt app that is failing similarly, but I figured it was due to PyQwt.

ccordoba12 commented 8 years ago

Ok, good to know! I'll try to take a look at it for Spyder 3.0 :-)

daqu3650 commented 8 years ago


I tried updating my conda version of Python to 3.5 (as #2858 led me to believe would be helpful) by following the conda guide found here (http://conda.pydata.org/docs/py2or3.html), and I get an error that the directory (\menuinst-1.3.1-py35_0.tar.bz2.part) does not exist (Errno 2). Perhaps this needs to be a new issue?

ccordoba12 commented 7 years ago

Closing this one because there's nothing we can do about it in our side.