sqdlab / SQDMetal

Tools to aid in simulating and fabricating superconducting quantum devices
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Request for SQDMetal + Palace Example Files #9

Open shanto268 opened 3 hours ago

shanto268 commented 3 hours ago

Hi all,

First off, great work on the project! I was wondering if you could upload an example file that demonstrates how to use SQDMetal to design and run simulations in Palace on a local PC?

Specifically, Iā€™m looking for examples like running an eigenmodal simulation of a half-wave resonator or calculating the capacitance matrix of a floating transmon qubit using Palace. Or really just any complete design to simulation flow....

Some more complete tutorial/example files would be really appreciated! šŸ™šŸ½

Thanks for all your hard work.

Best, Shanto

shanto268 commented 2 hours ago

I was following the running eigenmodal sim documentation that y'all have using the following toy code - A CPW resonator connected to a port.

import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

from qiskit_metal import designs, draw
from qiskit_metal import MetalGUI, Dict, Headings
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.meandered import RouteMeander
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.straight_path import RouteStraight
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.launchpad_wb import LaunchpadWirebond
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.launchpad_wb_coupled import LaunchpadWirebondCoupled
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.short_to_ground import ShortToGround
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.open_to_ground import OpenToGround

short_to_ground = False


design._chips['main']['size']['size_x'] = '8mm'
design._chips['main']['size']['size_y'] = '5mm'

# we also set metal thickness to 0
design.ls.ls_df.loc[0, 'thickness'] = '0 um' # top PEC layer has no thickess (2D sim)

# instantiate wirebond pad
wb_fd_1 = LaunchpadWirebond(design, 'wb_fd_1', options = dict(pos_x='-2mm', pos_y='0mm', orientation='0', layer=1, chip="main"))

# instantiate OTGs instead, a little smaller
otg_2 = OpenToGround(design, 'otg-2', options = dict(pos_x = '2mm', orientation='0'))

# instantiate meander resonator
meander_opts = dict(
    pin_inputs = dict(
        start_pin = dict(component = "wb_fd_1", pin = "tie"),
        # end_pin = dict(component = "wb_fd_2", pin = "tie")
        #start_pin = dict(component = "otg-1", pin = "open"),
        end_pin = dict(component = "otg-2", pin = "open")
    lead = dict(
        start_straight = "500um",
    total_length = '30mm',
    fillet = "99.99um",
    asymmetry = "100um",

resonator = RouteMeander(design, 'res_1', meander_opts)

# check to see the build

# connect to SQDMetal
from SQDMetal.PALACE.Eigenmode_Simulation import PALACE_Eigenmode_Simulation
from SQDMetal.PALACE.SQDGmshRenderer import Palace_Gmsh_Renderer

#Eigenmode Simulation Options
user_defined_options = {
                 "mesh_refinement":  0,                             #refines mesh in PALACE - essetially divides every mesh element in half
                 "dielectric_material": "silicon",                  #choose dielectric material - 'silicon' or 'sapphire'
                 "starting_freq": 7.5,                              #starting frequency in GHz 
                 "number_of_freqs": 4,                              #number of eigenmodes to find
                 "solns_to_save": 4,                                #number of electromagnetic field visualizations to save
                 "solver_order": 2,                                 #increasing solver order increases accuracy of simulation, but significantly increases sim time
                 "solver_tol": 1.0e-8,                              #error residual tolerance foriterative solver
                 "solver_maxits": 100,                              #number of solver iterations
                 "comsol_meshing": "Extremely fine",                #level of COMSOL meshing: 'Extremely fine', 'Extra fine', 'Finer', 'Fine', 'Normal'
                 "mesh_max": 120e-3,                                #maxiumum element size for the mesh in mm
                 "mesh_min": 10e-3,                                 #minimum element size for the mesh in mm
                 "mesh_sampling": 130,                              #number of points to mesh along a geometry
                 "sim_memory": '300G',                              #amount of memory for each HPC node i.e. 4 nodes x 300 GB = 1.2 TB
                 "sim_time": '20:00:00',                            #allocated time for simulation 
                 "HPC_nodes": '4',                                  #number of Bunya nodes. By default 20 cpus per node are selected, then total cores = 20 x HPC_nodes
                 "fillet_resolution":12                             #Number of vertices per quarter turn on a filleted path

#Creat the Palace Eigenmode simulation
eigen_sim = PALACE_Eigenmode_Simulation(name ='single_resonator_example_eigen',                     #name of simulation
                                        metal_design = design,                                      #feed in qiskit metal design
                                        sim_parent_directory = "test",            #choose directory where mesh file, config file and HPC batch file will be saved
                                        mode = 'simPC',                                               #choose simulation mode 'HPC' or 'simPC'                                          
                                        meshing = 'GMSH',                                           #choose meshing 'GMSH' or 'COMSOL'
                                        user_options = user_defined_options,                        #provide options chosen above
                                        view_design_gmsh_gui = False,                               #view design in GMSH gui 
                                        create_files = True)   

eigen_sim.create_port_CPW_on_Launcher('wb_fd_1', 20e-3)
eigen_sim.fine_mesh_along_path(100e-6, 'res_1', mesh_sampling=130, mesh_min=5e-3, mesh_max=120e-3)

I get the following error at the eigen_sim.prepare_simulation() command.

    "name": "NameError",
    "message": "name 'options' is not defined",
    "stack": "---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[17], line 1
----> 1 eigen_sim.prepare_simulation()

File ~/LFL/SQDMetal/SQDMetal/PALACE/Model.py:36, in PALACE_Model.prepare_simulation(self)
     35 def prepare_simulation(self):
---> 36     self._prepare_simulation(self._metallic_layers, self._ground_plane)

File ~/LFL/SQDMetal/SQDMetal/PALACE/Model.py:249, in PALACE_Model_RF_Base._prepare_simulation(self, metallic_layers, ground_plane)
    246     lePorts += [(cur_port['port_name'] + 'b', cur_port['portBcoords'])]
    248 #prepare design by converting shapely geometries to Gmsh geometries
--> 249 gmsh_render_attrs = pgr._prepare_design(metallic_layers, ground_plane, lePorts, options['fillet_resolution'], 'eigenmode_simulation')
    251 if self.create_files == True:
    252     #create directory to store simulation files
    253     self._create_directory(self.name)

NameError: name 'options' is not defined"

I am not sure what is causing this and how I can fix this.... I do have a working executable of palace and I am sure I have to let SQDMetal know about this but I am not sure where to pass on that information....