sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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Existing Operating System? #191

Open Herkulisch opened 1 year ago

Herkulisch commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, I'm currently trying to learn some OS development and after spotting your Smartwatch I've decided to develop an operating system in Rust. Just wanted to know if something similar is already in the works?

With similar I mean an OS with a real filesystem and multiuser support. Also a privileged mode so that applications can be developed for the user space, while system components are accessible by System Calls.

This project will probably take at least a year to be stable, but I'm using this to learn and spend some time besides from gaming.

shymega commented 1 year ago

I think, for a first OS development project, as someone who works on firmware for ESP32s and STM32s, you're biting off more than you can chew.

Bear in mind Rust on Espressif SoCs is not as mature as say, Cortex.

It's getting there, and you can see the esp-rs project for more ideas, but with your goals, I think the Watchy might not be the right device for it.

Personally, I'd recommend an RTOS, with the ESP32's SPIFFS backing it, and going with an interrupt-driven approach to save battery life.

There is a repo I created on my account for a Rust RTOS, but I was only really playing with the idea.