sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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How can I intercept Button presses in programming ? #211

Open Losspost opened 1 year ago

Losspost commented 1 year ago

Hi, I would love to make a simple test where a message appears on the screen. This then can be affirmed with a button press. I struggle a little bit with it.

I took the void handleButtonPress(){} and put it into my CustomWatchFace class which is inherited from the Watchy. So it should override it but it seems to work differently ? I see that there is a watcher called in the Watchy::init. Can I simply remove it from the Watchy Class and put it in my own, or do I have to make the changes in the Watchy class themselves ?

Or is there maybe another recommended way to use the buttons ?