sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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Face with two pages #213

Closed denics closed 5 months ago

denics commented 1 year ago

dear all, I just unpacked my watchy and I really like it. I have been playing around with faces, like many of us I think, but there is a thing I do not understand. If we use, for example, the nice, new, Mario face, how can we access the other extra information like battery, weather etc etc? is there the possibility to access another page with all the information? or modify the menu to have "all info"?

b-bayport commented 1 year ago

Multiple faces are possible and have been done by others. Check out this implementation: https://github.com/BraininaBowl/Brainwork-for-Watchy