sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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if wifi is not configured do not display weather #223

Closed denics closed 1 year ago

denics commented 1 year ago

ATM if wifi is not configured random numbers are displayed instead of ... well, nothing :)

sqfmi commented 1 year ago

Currently if not connected to WiFi, it reports the internal temperature sensor. I'm going to push an update to show a microchip icon to indicate that, instead of the current code which defaults to the sunny icon.

wjgeorge commented 1 year ago

aren't we supposed to merge into dev first, this patch is targeted to master

sqfmi commented 1 year ago

Yes please target the PRs for the dev branch

denics commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I did not realize when I pushed. I will make also a change, instead of removing the temperature, I will display a "cpu" icon indicating that we are using the internal temperature

sqfmi commented 1 year ago

Thanks @denics, that update should be on the dev branch now, check it out and let us know :)