sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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Upload "Error 2" #228

Open felixscho877 opened 1 year ago

felixscho877 commented 1 year ago

Recently, when flashing via serial connection, I'm getting the well known ESP32-"Error 2". Which means the ESP is not in download-mode. With a normal Board one would now press the EN-Button while downloading. Actually this works also on my Watchy, pulling down the TP0 (GPIO0) to GND. (But of course I don't want do disassemble half of the Watchy every time I want to download a program.)
I guess Watchy is using the automatic bootloader to get in the bootmode. It seems like this is not working anymore, either due to a HW- or a SW-Fault. Has anyone experienced the same problem? And does someone know why the automatic bootloader fails? Could it be a hardware issue?

felixscho877 commented 1 year ago

It seems really like a software Issue to me since, when the upload of the program fails, the watchy does a reboot and vibrates. By the way the problem occurs in PlatformIO and also with the esp-flash-tool.

sc68cal commented 1 year ago

I am having the same issue with my newly purchased Watchy. Cannot upload, the watch appears to reboot but does not vibrate when the esptool step fails

sc68cal commented 1 year ago

The issue is all my motherboard USB ports are USB3.0 and while they do work with other USB 2.0 devices, it does not work with Watchy. Like others on Discord, I had to use a USB 2.0 hub (conveniently part of my monitor) to connect the watch and have everything work.

Techsteps commented 1 year ago

I have been unable to upload anything on any USB port. I even broke out a 20 year old USB 2.0 hub I had lying around. I get an Error 2 every time. Multiple cables as well.

Mentor1337 commented 1 year ago

I will have to try that. I am getting this weird architecture error as well. I haven't had any luck with Platform or the BLE upload either. I guess I will try 2.0.

felixscho877 commented 5 months ago

For the bootmode-problem, I've found a better a better solution than messing around with wires and pads every time flashing. It also works to stick in the USB-Port just in the right moment, before the flash command. The time window is about half a second.