sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
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Timezone from OpenWeatherMap has changed, Watchy hasn't. #232

Open GuruSR opened 1 year ago

GuruSR commented 1 year ago


Line 662: gmtOffset = int(responseObject["timezone"]);

should be

gmtOffset = int(responseObject["timezone"]) / 3600; // OpenWeatherMap returns seconds from UTC.

Also, City ID has been discontinued, Geo-Location is preferred.

Sudrien commented 1 year ago

Geolocation would be nice for sunset and tidal calculation also

But yes, https://openweathermap.org/current#geo looks like they haven't bumped api numbers

Rob58329 commented 10 months ago

In case it's helpfull to anyone:

(1) OpenWeatherMap has always returned gmtOffset in seconds, and this is what Watchy requires/expects, so the original line: gmtOffset = int(responseObject["timezone"]); is correct.

(2) The way I fixed the “City ID has been discontinued, Geo-Location (longitude and latitude) is required” issue is:

(a) Edit “settings.h” to:

#define OPENWEATHERMAP_URL "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lon=-0.12&lat=51.5" (or whatever longitude and latitude you want is)

(b) Edit “Watchy.cpp” to:

      String weatherQueryURL = url + String("&units=") + units +
                               String("&lang=") + lang + String("&appid=") +
                               apiKey; // edited
      int httpResponseCode = http.GET();
      if (httpResponseCode == 200) {
        String payload             = http.getString();
        payload=payload.substring(payload.indexOf('{')); // edited/added
        JSONVar responseObject     = JSON.parse(payload);
        currentWeather.temperature = int(responseObject["main"]["temp"]);

(this works as at 11Sept2023)

GuruSR commented 10 months ago

Instead of using static Longitude and Latitude, you can use the same payload method of reading the JSON from this URL: http://ip-api.com/json/?fields=lat,lon

And merging the results into the OPENWEATHERMAP_URL by making lon=#1&lat=#2 and replacing #1 & #2 with the results from the above URL after parsing it's JSON. This is how Watchy GSR does it.

Sudrien commented 2 months ago

This can be closed as of 99cacd2, can't it?