sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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Outdated version of the BMA423 accelerometer driver posted on the Hardware page #238

Open kyp44 opened 11 months ago

kyp44 commented 11 months ago

Hi, I've been digging into programming the Watchy using Rust for a particular project, which has been a lot of fun. As a result, I've been contributing to a Rust BMA423 (accelerometer) driver to add some of the advanced features of the chip that I need to use.

After a lot of banging my head against the wall wondering why I couldn't get a certain feature working, I discovered that the Watchy website has an outdated version of the BMA423 datasheet (version 1.1 from May 2019) posted on the Hardware page. An updated version 2.0 from August 2019 can be found here. My guess is that this has gone unnoticed because most people just use pre-built Arduino drivers for the device.

For those that are curious, I discovered the new version after poring over the C driver code from Bosch and realizing that what the code was doing did not match certain registers as explained in the datasheet (i.e. the old version from the Watchy site).

Hope it was appropriate to submit this as an issue here, as I don't use Discord.