Open robin-thoni opened 1 year ago
I forgot to link this picture:
(This is why I think the RTC is damaged)
@robin-thoni where was this Watchy purchased from? It may be best to return the faulty unit to your vendor for a replacement unit.
It was purchased from Mouser (France). They already agreed to replace the unit, but they are out of stock for over 6 months now...
@robin-thoni where was this Watchy purchased from? It may be best to return the faulty unit to your vendor for a replacement unit.
Did you get anywhere w/this? Looks like a software issue to me. On hardware, maybe the E-paper ribbon cable isn't properly connected... Hey Robin Thoni, what does core debug tell you? What info you need should manifest there in serial output....
This is what I have:
[C][PCF8563:013]: Setting up PCF8563...
[E][PCF8563:086]: Can't read I2C data.
[E][component:119]: Component pcf8563.time was marked as failed.
[E][component:164]: Component pcf8563.time set Error flag: unspecified
[C][PCF8563:022]: PCF8563:
[C][PCF8563:023]: Address: 0xA3
[E][PCF8563:025]: Communication with PCF8563 failed!
[C][PCF8563:027]: Timezone: 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3'
[E][component:082]: Component pcf8563.time is marked FAILED
The RTC just does not reply. This why I get <UNKNOWN>
What's up Mr. Thoni; 1st, go here: to checkbox 21. 2nd. since, your Mouser France, verify board revision w/BOM. 3rd, download a copy of the pdf file WatchySchematic. Blow it up, find the RTC in the bottom right. 4th, use/get a Oscilloscope my friend. Scope this little misbehaving RTC gangster chip please. 5th, cut & paste your errors in a good search engine. For example, get something like this: 6 & finally, come back & tell me more pretty please. Truly Sir, I hope this throws some light on your situation... Wanna go deeper??? Download a Kicad/Gerber viewer...
I don't have the required hardware to scope a PCB w/ such little space/pin space. However, I just realized this:
[I][i2c.arduino:096]: Results from i2c bus scan:
[I][i2c.arduino:098]: Found no i2c devices!
Meaning the BMA423 does not seem to respond either. Maybe the problem is w/ the i2c bus itself (short circuit, or something), or the esp chip.
According to this, a v3 seems to be coming. Maybe, I'm just gonna ask a refund for this unit and wait for the v3
Hey, this may be little but its progress Sir? Now, the BMA423 input helps... 1st, please look@ the BMA423 sensor data sheet. (Edited, get the most recent rev.) 2nd, can your verify the e-paper screen works? 3rd, what flashware are-u using? 4th, I'd suggest erasing it w/the Espressif flash tool. But that's your decision.... 5th, open the case & give me a picture of your ribbon cable connection please Mr. Thoni. From repeated past experience, I've found ribbon cable connections causing issues in bigger stuff like a transmission.... 6th and finally, find a scope to borrow or make a DDS one. Other business, loved your repos. If you got all that your resourceful enough to get a scope. By the way, someone tried to mag spoof me last night.... Forgot, debug would tell you something about a short or issue w/the ESP32. Thanks for pointing out that comment too. The esp32 S3's & C series are nice...
My Watchy is stuck to 45:85 2165/25/45, even after NTP sync, firmware reset/reflash or setting time manually:
Is there anything wrong with the RTC? What else can I try? The local vendor requested to come to GH first.