sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
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Display upgrades #242

Closed DarkZeros closed 3 months ago

DarkZeros commented 6 months ago

This PR has commits that affect the display in these aspects:

In all, this change makes display update take 250ms less (650ms -> 400ms). Not all of the time saved is power saved, since some of that time the CPU was in light sleep already. I theoretically computed that the power reduced ~30% (~9mA 650ms = 6mW -> ~10mA 400ms = 4mW)

I would value that this change is tested before merging, specially the changes:

DarkZeros commented 6 months ago

Today I managed to test this PR for Power. I found some inconsistent results so I wouldn't merge it.

Original Watchy v1.0 HW (2.9V) -> ~170uA (650ms per update) Original Watchy v1.0 HW (2.9V) + PR -> ~190uA (400ms per update) NOTE: 2.9V is not standard but works (if we do not use WiFi), the ESP CPU needs >1.8V and the Display >2.7V. Using 2.9V bypassing the LDO and saving more power, shouldn't really affect the overall trend of the PR code.

Similar results I found in another board, this needs further examination. Why the reduction in time actually increases power usage. Maybe the booster code uses more power.

DarkZeros commented 5 months ago

Had some time to measure with a power meter, and updated my PR with proper changes.

I am not sure why the ESP reported times don't match the times in the capture graph, maybe the ESP reports the power off comand and the display does some extra stuff using power. Anyway, it is clear that the Booster configuration uses less power during the "flat" phase. The reset reduction and async make the startup be much faster, and the delay reduction make the display also faster.

Power wise this PR condenses the power usage in a smaller period of time, but reduces the total Energy. From 1.39uAh to 1.18uAh per update (-15% power).

DarkZeros commented 5 months ago

I will continue investigating other things like:

DarkZeros commented 5 months ago

Last change removes a redundant 10ms delay after the hard reset. Current PR gives:

Time: 471 ms Energy: 1.09 uAh Average Power: 30.8 mW Average Current: 8.33 mA

-21% energy usage compared to master.

sqfmi commented 3 months ago

Amazing work!!! Apologies it took so long to merge, thank you !!