sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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Watchy hour keeps resetting #244

Closed ckirtley closed 3 months ago

ckirtley commented 3 months ago

I just bought a Watchy, and noticed the time keeps resetting to "21" (minutes are not affected). I have change the face through Arduino IDE but it was happening before that with the default face. If I correct it, it stays good for a few hours then flips back to 21.

ckirtley commented 3 months ago

I just bought a Watchy, and noticed the time keeps resetting to "21" (minutes are not affected). I have change the face through Arduino IDE but it was happening before that with the default face. If I correct it, it stays good for a few hours then flips back to 21.

ckirtley commented 3 months ago

I just realised the city is set as NYC and time is overwritten by the weather function!

sqfmi commented 3 months ago

Yes, the timezone is overwritten by the weather API currently, will look into making it optional in the future. Apologies for the confusion!