sqfmi / Watchy

Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
MIT License
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the example of 7_SEG :error in WString.h #247

Open OnceMyLove opened 2 months ago

OnceMyLove commented 2 months ago

The environment used is Arduino IDE:2.3.2, esp32:2.0.5, watchy:1.4.1, WiFiManager:2.0.17, Time:1.6.1, RTC_pcf8563:1.0.3, GxEPD2:1.5.6, DS3232RTC:2.0.1. The following issue was encountered during compilation in the 7_SEG example: image

How to solve it?

229311JK commented 2 months ago

How to solve it?

Heads up, I work w/the Arduino ESP32 3.0.0-RC1 dev cores & ran into compiler issues. Roll back ESP32 core to version: 2.0.10, verify your watchy library is up to date. All other library's checkout except the 1.4.1, or you just forgot the zero...