sqiouyilu / twitter-nest

Tools for creating a decentralized Twitter clone on WordPress.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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wp-cron stops auto-archiving if site hasn't been visited in a while #39

Open sqiouyilu opened 1 year ago

sqiouyilu commented 1 year ago

iirc, wp-cron is activated by page visits, but this is a problem if your site is low-traffic, as wp-cron will stop archiving without activity (as indicated by missing tweets and no "next archive in" counter in meta tab).

Need to see if there's a way to force cron without visits.

sqiouyilu commented 1 year ago

This is a particularly big problem for high-volume Tweeters, who may not notice cron is off until after 3,200 tweets from their last archived ones, meaning potential data loss with this disruption.