Closed sqlalchemy-bot closed 6 years ago
Robert Buchholz (rbuchholz) wrote:
FYI: This does not happen on type='foreignkey', type='unique' or op.drop_index.
Michael Bayer (zzzeek) wrote:
Dots are controversial here, so here is a better test to illustrate that the basic quoting isn't present:
def test_drop_check_quoted(self):
context = op_fixture('mysql')
op.drop_constraint("MyCheck", "MyTable", "check")
Michael Bayer (zzzeek) wrote:
Robert Buchholz (rbuchholz) wrote:
Thank you for the quick fix, as always. Why would you consider dots controversial -- is it because they have a meaning when not escaped?
Michael Bayer (zzzeek) wrote:
dots are often trying to actually produce a "schemaname.tablename" combination or otherwise work within some namespacing provided by the database. the dot is an operator so it's not always clear it's meant as an arbitrary character and not an operator. for a constraint name, it would be very unusual for the dot to be used this way but you never know what some new database does.
Michael Bayer (zzzeek) wrote:
Ensure CHECK constraint name is quoted for MySQL
Change-Id: Ib85de299c5f3c2631c64fe30006879ba274fca15 Fixes: #487
→ 533c965f253b
Robert Buchholz (rbuchholz) wrote:
I actually experimented with a new naming convention where constraint name parts are separated by dots, which is how I stumbled upon this issue. The default convention (in the docs) leads to names like "fk_table_name_property_name" where the underscore has dual meaning (coming from table/column identifiers and separating those identifiers). Do you have a non-dot recommendation to achieve clean separation of identifiers?
Michael Bayer (zzzeek) wrote:
I would stick with underscores and not overthink it, it's always nice to not venture into quoting territory and there's not really any other non-alphanumeric characters that won't trigger quoting. looks like the dollar sign isn't quoted either, if you want to try that. the reg is: r'^[A-Z0-9_$]+$'.
Michael Bayer (zzzeek) wrote:
I haven't released yet so please work around this by using quoted_name:
Michael Bayer (zzzeek) wrote:
hmmmm, though that might not even work.
Robert Buchholz (rbuchholz) wrote:
I tend to agree with the caution regarding the use of dots in identifiers, thank you for the insight. Maybe $ is a better option, on the other hand it moves the strict quoting requirement from SQL to Shell scripts operating on databases.
I've tried quoted_name
for a workaround, but it did not work. For now, I'm using this (a bit whacky) version:
def workaround_alembic_487(name):
from pkg_resources import parse_version
# Alembic before 0.9.9 did not quote constraint names
if parse_version(alembic.__version__) <= parse_version('0.9.8'):
return "`%s`" % name
return name
Changes by Robert Buchholz (rbuchholz):
Changes by Robert Buchholz (rbuchholz):
Migrated issue, originally created by Robert Buchholz (rbuchholz)
Alembic does not quote a constraint name (at least for MariaDB). If it contains a dot, (in the best case) MariaDB will complain (depending on the number of dots) about missing tables or databases. In the worst case, a constraint on a schema and table not referenced by the table and schema arguments might be dropped.
Actual behavior: