sqlalchemy / mako

Mako Templates for Python
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Render Def into Variable #355

Closed warrenspe closed 2 years ago

warrenspe commented 2 years ago

Good day!

This is more of a question than an issue; I was wondering if there was any way to call a def, storing what it renders as a variable rather than rendering it to the output? Something like:

<%def name="test()">

    somevar = test()
bourke commented 2 years ago

That pattern works just as you've written it. This code:

<%def name="header(arg)">
    my ${arg} def

<%def name="more()">
        more_impressive = header("more impressive")

    impressive = header("impressive")



renders this:

CleanShot 2022-03-08 at 08 51 02

warrenspe commented 2 years ago

Hello @bourke,

Thanks for the quick reply! I believe that it might not be working quite as I was expecting; I believe what's happening is when the def's are called they're being rendered rather than their output being stored in the variables. For illustration, the below:

<%def name="header(arg)">
    my ${arg} def

<%def name="more()">
        more_impressive = header("more impressive")

    impressive = header("impressive")
    more_result = more()



Renders the following:

    my impressive def

    my more impressive def


bourke commented 2 years ago

It's true that anything in the top level gets rendered, whether called as an expression or within a <% %> Python block. One way to achieve what you're after is to use the capture function as described here: https://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/filtering.html#buffering

<%def name="header(arg)">
    my ${arg} def

<%def name="more()">
        more_impressive = header("more impressive")

    impressive = capture(header, "impressive")
    more_result = capture(more)




    my impressive def


    my more impressive def


You might also want to look at https://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/filtering.html#decorating as a way of capturing and enhancing a <%def>'s output.

warrenspe commented 2 years ago

That looks perfect, thanks!