sqlanywhere / node-sqlanywhere

SAP SQL Anywhere Database Client for Node
Apache License 2.0
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SQL Anywhere 11 support? #30

Closed beb- closed 6 years ago

beb- commented 6 years ago

Greetings - Before I dive into this too deeply, I'd love if someone can confirm this library should work with SQL Anywhere 11? I'm not too familiar with SQL Anywhere, but I gather that might be bit older. My very first proof-of-concept with Node.js 8.10 (As a Lambda function) using the boilerplate example resulted in "Error: Code: -2004 Msg: Can't initialize DBCAPI" and before I trouble shoot that, I just wanted to confirm the version support.

Cheers! Bryan

gperrow-SAP commented 6 years ago

I just tried a simple test with SQLA v11 and it succeeded. Make sure your SQLANY11 environment variable is set correctly and that %SQLANY11%\bin64 (on Windows) or $SQLANY11/bin64 (on Unix) is in your PATH.

The dbcapi library was introduced in v11 so the node driver will not work with versions of SQL Anywhere prior to v11. SQL Anywhere v11 has been end-of-life'd so it's not supported but it should work reasonably well.

beb- commented 6 years ago

Thank you for quick confirmation! I assume by the reference to an environment variable, and the bin64 directory, that that is an installed softwares home directory? Again, totally unfamiliar with SQL Anywhere. This might be a bit cumbersome to crowbar into a serverless architecture (AWS Lamdba) since I'd have coerce the software into the Lambda package with my Node functions. After all that, I suspect I'd run into a licensing issue as believe I my customer stated they were "named" clients.

Thanks again for performing that quick test!

gperrow-SAP commented 6 years ago

Yes, my comment was assuming that you did an install of the SQL Anywhere client. However it's possible to deploy the SQL Anywhere client in your application so a full install is not needed. V11 deployment documentation is here: http://dcx.sap.com/index.html#1101/en/dbprogramming_en11/client-deploy.html