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Proposal: allow additional SQL as function parameter for SELECT query #2021

Open RadhiFadlillah opened 1 year ago

RadhiFadlillah commented 1 year ago

What do you want to change?


Note: most of my experience is using MySQL and SQLite, so just assume that I know nothing about PostgreSQL. While on it, this is my first proposal, so please go easy on me 🥲

One of the most common feature request for CRUD and BI apps is to make an advanced data filter where the users can freely define the parameters to specify which data to be shown. Example of that data filter can be seen in spreadsheet apps like Excel or Libre Calc:

Advanced data filter

Currently, the suggested approach for dynamic query is using OR operator in WHERE clause like this:

    fk     uuid,
    bar    varchar(100),
    baz    varchar(100)

-- name: FilterFoo :many
WHERE fk = @fk
    AND (CASE WHEN @is_bar::bool THEN bar = @bar ELSE TRUE END)
    AND (CASE WHEN @lk_bar::bool THEN bar LIKE @bar ELSE TRUE END)
    AND (CASE WHEN @is_baz::bool THEN baz = @baz ELSE TRUE END)
    AND (CASE WHEN @lk_baz::bool THEN baz LIKE @baz ELSE TRUE END)
    CASE WHEN @bar_asc::bool THEN bar END asc,
    CASE WHEN @bar_desc::bool THEN bar END desc,
    CASE WHEN @baz_asc::bool THEN baz END asc,
    CASE WHEN @baz_desc::bool THEN baz END desc;

Unfortunately that approach won't work for advanced data filter, because:

To solve this issue, I propose we allow additional SQL as parameter for :one and :many queries.

Current behavior

For example (playground), let's say I have query.sql like this:

-- Example queries for sqlc
    identifier   VARBINARY(20) DEFAULT NULL,
    category     VARCHAR(80)   NOT NULL,
    name         VARCHAR(80)   NOT NULL,
    qty          DECIMAL(20,4) NOT NULL,
    capital      DECIMAL(20,4) NOT NULL,
    price        DECIMAL(20,4) NOT NULL,
    specs        JSON          DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    UNIQUE KEY product_identifier_UNIQUE (identifier)
) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4;

-- name: FetchProducts :many
SELECT id, category, identifier, name, capital, price
FROM product;

-- name: FetchProduct :one
SELECT id, category, identifier, name, capital, price
FROM product
WHERE identifier = ?;

From this query, sqlc will generate following Go code:

const FetchProduct = `-- name: FetchProduct :one
SELECT id, category, identifier, name, capital, price
FROM product
WHERE identifier = ?

type FetchProductRow struct {
    // Omitted

func (q *Queries) FetchProduct(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, identifier null.String) (FetchProductRow, error) {
    row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, FetchProduct, identifier)
    var i FetchProductRow
    // Omitted
    return i, err

const FetchProducts = `-- name: FetchProducts :many
SELECT id, category, identifier, name, capital, price
FROM product;

type FetchProductsRow struct {
    // Omitted

func (q *Queries) FetchProducts(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]FetchProductsRow, error) {
    rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, FetchProducts)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rows.Close()
    items := []FetchProductsRow{}
    // Omitted
    return items, nil

As you can see, currently our query for FetchProduct and FetchProducts is run immediately by db.Query, making it impossible for us to define custom SQL filter.

Proposed solution

To allow additional SQL, what if we put the SELECT queries inside derived table subquery? Still using the query.sql above as source, here is how the generated Go code will look like:

type AdditionalSql struct {
    SQL  string
    Args []interface{}

func (q *Queries) FetchProduct(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, identifier null.String, as ...AdditionalSql) (FetchProductRow, error) {
    sql := FetchProduct
    args := []interface{}{identifier}
    if len(as) > 0 {
        sql = "SELECT * FROM (" + FetchProduct + ") t\n" + as[0].SQL
        args = append(args, as[0].Args...)
    row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, sql, args...)
    var i FetchProductRow
    // Omitted
    return i, err

func (q *Queries) FetchProducts(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, as ...AdditionalSql) ([]FetchProductsRow, error) {
    sql := FetchProducts
    args := []interface{}{}
    if len(as) > 0 {
        sql = "SELECT * FROM (" + FetchProducts + ") t\n" + as[0].SQL
        args = append(args, as[0].Args...)
    rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, sql, args...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rows.Close()
    items := []FetchProductsRow{}
    // Omitted
    return items, nil

With that new AdditionalSql parameter, we can apply additional SQL query while fetching data. For example, here is how we will fetch the products using filter in the screenshot above:

query := `WHERE (
    category LIKE ?
    AND name LIKE ?
    AND capital < ?)`
args := []interface{}{
filter := AdditionalSql{SQL: query, Args: args}
products, err := FetchProducts(ctx, db, filter)

Pros and cons

The advantages of this method are:

For the cons, honestly I don't have any right now. I haven't make any tests, but I've made a private fork with this feature and use it for several months and so far there are no trouble though. However, I'm not really experienced with databases so I'm sure there are issues that I missed.

Related issues and discussions

What database engines need to be changed?

PostgreSQL, MySQL

What programming language backends need to be changed?


zakaria-chahboun commented 1 year ago

Hi @RadhiFadlillah tell me more about your sql generator https://github.com/RadhiFadlillah/dbgen

RadhiFadlillah commented 1 year ago

Oh god, just pretend that doesn't exist :laughing:

I make it back in 2021 when MySQL support in sqlc is still not really good (IIRC sqlc still not supported CTE and subquery back then). In one hand, I'm not smart enough to contribute additional MySQL parser to sqlc. In other hand, I'm burned out writing CRUD command one by one. So, I decided to build my own SQL generator, as ugly as it is.

The main objective for that generator was to add support for CTE and subquery. The idea is simple: instead of parsing the SQL manually, we just need to run the SELECT query in MySQL then read the returned columns using rows.ColumnTypes function in stdlib.

So, here is how it works:

Fortunately, around October 2021 MySQL supports for sqlc is already good enough, so I stopped working on it. In 2023, there are no reasons to use that anymore since sqlc is superior in every aspect.