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varchar2 support #3387

Open yitsushi opened 1 month ago

yitsushi commented 1 month ago

What do you want to change?

Oracle has a varchar2 datatype, and it's the same as varchar (at least for now), but it can change in the future. Because of some scanning tools, like SonarCube yells at us to use varchar2 with the following reason:

Currently, VARCHAR and VARCHAR2 are identical data types. But to prevent future changes in behavior, Oracle recommends the use of VARCHAR2.

Right now if I try to use varchar2 it fails with syntax error):

❯ sqlc generate
# package database
db/migrations/20240510112356_init.sql:3:16: syntax error near "varchar2(36) not null primary key,"


What database engines need to be changed?


What programming language backends need to be changed?


yitsushi commented 1 month ago

I check what I can do, but it seems to me it's a pingcap/tidb issue as this hits error in internal/engine/dolphin/parse.go:

    stmtNodes, _, err := p.pingcap.Parse(string(blob), "", "")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, normalizeErr(err)

If I understand that parser correctly, it doesn't know anything about varchar2 based on this file: https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/master/pkg/parser/parser.y