sqlcipher / android-database-sqlcipher

Android SQLite API based on SQLCipher
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Saferoom migration to SQLCipher latest version #598

Closed sunilsunny565 closed 1 year ago

sunilsunny565 commented 1 year ago

I'm trying migrate from using https://github.com/commonsguy/cwac-saferoom to SQLCipher library as Saferoom is no more maintained. I didn't had any issues with SafeRoom I was using "com.commonsware.cwac:saferoom:1.2.1" which is using SQLCipher version 4.2.0 and this is how I'm using it.

dbBuilder.openHelperFactory(SafeHelperFactory(dbKey, SafeHelperFactory.POST_KEY_SQL_V3))
                //If the database hasn't been encrypted, encrypt it
                if (SQLCipherUtils.getDatabaseState(context, Common.config().dbName()) == SQLCipherUtils.State.UNENCRYPTED) {
                    SQLCipherUtils.encrypt(context, Common.config().dbName(), dbKey)

Where dbBuilder is just Room.databaseBuilder

Now to to update to SQLCipher :4.5.2replaced above code with

 val factory = SupportFactory(SQLiteDatabase.getBytes(dbKey))

And after this change I started to get this error file is not a database: , while compiling: select count(*) from sqlite_master; which I feel happens when the dbKey is different, but in this case I haven't changed the key. Am I missing something in this migration? @commonsguy , can you please help?.

sunilsunny565 commented 1 year ago

I'm just answering my own question I had to pass SQLiteDatabaseHook and that resolved the issue

         val hook: SQLiteDatabaseHook = object : SQLiteDatabaseHook {
                    override fun preKey(database: SQLiteDatabase) {
                        // do nothing

                    override fun postKey(database: SQLiteDatabase?) {
                val factory = SupportFactory(SQLiteDatabase.getBytes(dbKey), hook)

const val POST_KEY_SQL_MIGRATE = "PRAGMA cipher_migrate;"

it might be a good idea if this can be mentioned in the wiki I guess.

developernotes commented 1 year ago

Hi @sunilsunny565

We are happy to hear that you were able to solve the issue. The SQLiteDatabaseHook usage with SupportFactory is covered within the README here. If you have any other questions, please consider posted to the SQLCipher Community Discuss site as we tend to only track software defects within GitHub Issues. Thanks!