sqlfluff / vscode-sqlfluff

An extension to use the sqlfluff linter in vscode.
MIT License
156 stars 33 forks source link

Does not product linter in Problems console tab consistently #84

Open ausiddiqui opened 1 year ago

ausiddiqui commented 1 year ago
    "sqlfluff.config": "/Users/ash/Documents/dev/sqlfluff/.sqlfluff",
    "sqlfluff.dialect": "snowflake",
    "sqlfluff.excludeRules": [
    "sqlfluff.executablePath": "/Users/ash/miniconda3/envs/py37/bin/sqlfluff",
    "sqlfluff.ignoreLocalConfig": false,
    "sqlfluff.ignoreParsing": false,
    "sqlfluff.suppressNotifications": false,
    "sqlfluff.workingDirectory": "",
    /* Linter */
    "sqlfluff.linter.arguments": [],
    "sqlfluff.linter.run": "onType",
    "sqlfluff.linter.diagnosticSeverity": "error",
    /* Formatter */
    "sqlfluff.format.arguments": [

Using these settings on VS Code I'm unable to consistently get the problem tab at the bottom (next to output, terminal etc). I use the Cmd + Shift + P option to run SQLFluff Lint and SQLFluff Fix. They work on and off. I have tried on both unsaved files and saved files.

RobertOstermann commented 1 year ago

Does the output tabs channel SQLFluff show if the extension is running commands when you would expect it to?

ausiddiqui commented 1 year ago

Not sure how it is supposed to display that. The Problems tab in the Panel at the bottom of VScode will usually show the SQLFluff Lint issues after a while. But SQLFluff Fix does nothing.

RobertOstermann commented 1 year ago

The output tab in the panels at the bottom should show a channel for SQLFluff. You could check that channel and make sure the commands are running when you expect them to, that would help me narrow down where the problem is.