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blog/support-for-sqlite-extensions-added/ #11

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Support for SQLite extensions added - DB Browser for SQLite


syedasaddev commented 3 months ago

import sqlite3

Create a database in RAM

db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')

Get a cursor object

cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE Ages ( name VARCHAR(128), age INTEGER )''')

cursor.execute('''DELETE FROM Ages''')

Insert users

cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Mara', 28)''') cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Otto', 33)''') cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Fyn', 31)''') cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES ('Neshawn', 17)''')

Select user

cursor.execute('''SELECT hex(name || age) AS X FROM Ages ORDER BY X''')

retrieve the first row

user1 = cursor.fetchone()

Print the first column retrieved(user's name)

print("The first row in the resulting record set : "+user1[0])

Commit changes into database


Close database


justinclift commented 3 months ago

@syedasaddev Um, what's that for? :smile: