sqlitebrowser / website

The sqlitebrowser.org website. Created using Hugo & blogdown.
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Fully qualify RSS URLs #18

Closed interrobot closed 6 months ago

interrobot commented 6 months ago

Change RSS url from /index.xml to https://sqlitebrowser.org/ globally. Resolves issue #9.

interrobot commented 6 months ago

That should read... from /index.xml to https://sqlitebrowser.org/index.xml, my mistake.

justinclift commented 6 months ago

Thanks. Lets try it out, and see how it goes. :smile:

The website automatically updates within about 10 mins from updates to this repo, so we should be able to see the result live pretty soon. :smile:

interrobot commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the merge. I didn't include the exported files (html) in the pull request, as there were a multitude of changes beyond my own... took the cautious route. I believe this is why the change hasn't propagated yet. I did spot check various pages the exported site to verify the RSS update, and it all looked good. The update should drop next time the compiled output is generated into the repo.

justinclift commented 6 months ago

Ahhh. Want to do a follow up PR with the generated files as well? :smile:

interrobot commented 6 months ago

Yes, absolutely. I'd just want someone close to the project to eyeball the diff. I'll get the pr together today.