sqlitebrowser / website

The sqlitebrowser.org website. Created using Hugo & blogdown.
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Hugo exported HTML with the RSS path fix in place #19

Closed interrobot closed 6 months ago

interrobot commented 6 months ago

Part 2 of 2, RSS fully qualified URL fix. This time including the exported HTML. On the content export side, this also picked up emoji -> entity changes, and other content updates in addition to the RSS link change.

Update: emoji > entity changes may be the result of a later Hugo binary, not 100% sure, but there are also a handful of markdown changes that were exported.

interrobot commented 6 months ago

Upon closer inspection, I'm seeing cases of HTML entity changes that don't look correct... specifically encoded ampersands where they should not be. Perhaps my Hugo config is doing this, uncertain. I'm cancelling the pull request until I know what is up.

justinclift commented 6 months ago

Yeah, that Hugo thing is weird. My impressions of Hugo itself these days aren't super great (very overly complicated, hard to debug), and I probably wouldn't recommend it to others.

No idea what other static site generators are around written in Go though, so I have no idea what it's competitors are like. They may be even worse. :grin:

interrobot commented 6 months ago

To Hugo's credit, it was easy to find the old binaries. But yeah, at first I thought I was pulling in new content... took a minute to figure out. Hope I didn't drag you into my confusion.

justinclift commented 6 months ago

Nah, you're all good. Thanks for putting the effort in to get this all working properly. :smile: