sqlitebrowser / website

The sqlitebrowser.org website. Created using Hugo & blogdown.
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Put some kind of auto-deployment script on the server #2

Closed justinclift closed 4 years ago

justinclift commented 5 years ago

At the moment deployment happens by my manually logging in and running git pull on the clone of the repo in the Nginx root.

It would be much better to have something (cronjob?) automatically detect changes, then rebuild the docs.

justinclift commented 4 years ago

Just added a super simple crontab line, that runs every minute and does a git pull in the website repo's root. In theory, it should do the job. :smile:

scottfurry commented 4 years ago

Just added a super simple crontab line, that runs every minute and does a git pull in the website repo's root. In theory, it should do the job.

You want to hit the git server every minute? Maybe every 15min or more. My $0.02.

justinclift commented 4 years ago

Good point. Changed it to 10 minutes, as I get bored easily when waiting for things and 15 minutes is F O R E V E [oh look, a squirrel]...

justinclift commented 4 years ago

This simple cronjob approach seems to be working ok, as it automatically picked up the 1 liner change I made a few minutes ago. No manual updating required any more. Yay! :smile: