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Env variables docs pages #21

Closed TizianoT closed 1 week ago

TizianoT commented 1 week ago

We have online the new env variables page: https://dashboard.sqlitecloud.io/projects/cu14ly48sz/development/env-variables

It is very simple to use. The button in the top right corner allows you to create a variable for the first time. When setting the environment name, the UI checks that these criteria are met: the name must not contain invalid characters. Only letters, digits, and underscores are allowed. Additionally, the name should not start with a digit. A variable can also be created with an empty string. Once created, a variable can be edited to change both the name and the value, or it can be deleted.

Related to the env variables now exist these command that can be executed from console:

SET ENV <key> VALUE <value>
GET ENV <key>