sqlitecloud / sqlitecloud-php

PHP drivers for SQLiteCloud
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admin / setup CD for admin panel in Vercel #7

Open danielebriggi opened 1 month ago

danielebriggi commented 1 month ago

Update the instance of the PHP admin panel when php driver is updated

danielebriggi commented 1 month ago

Vercel executes page requests as single function in a isolated context. Context is destroyed after the response and thus the session: https://github.com/vercel-community/php/issues/468#issuecomment-1616620660

Try to setup the session_handler to redis and crate the Redis KV storage in Vercel. Some references:

php.ini like:

# Vercel settings for session
session.save_handler = redis
session.save_path = "seed[]=redis://default:<TOKEN>@clean-thrush-49394.upstash.io:6379"
session.cookie_lifetime = 3600
session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600
jacobprall commented 5 days ago

@danielebriggi status?

danielebriggi commented 5 days ago

@danielebriggi status?

No progress, it's not urgent at the moment. It can be done when we make other improvements to PHP sdk