sqlkata / querybuilder

SQL query builder, written in c#, helps you build complex queries easily, supports SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSql, Oracle, Sqlite and Firebird
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Does the extension method InsertGetId works for Oracle? #465

Open frenkhub opened 3 years ago

frenkhub commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for developing this project.

Does the extension method InsertGetId works for Oracle?

ahmad-moussawi commented 3 years ago

I don't think so, could you provide what is the correct way to fetch the last inserted id in Oracle so we can implement it

frenkhub commented 3 years ago

Sorry I'm not an expert of Oracle but at the moment when I call the method InsertGetId with an Oracle database it returns an exception "The sequence is empty", by the way the row is inserted. After looking the code it seems not implemented for the Oracle compiler. Why not returning a NotImplementedException istead in this case with a message?

I searched a bit now for a possible solution, I found https://oracle-base.com/articles/misc/dml-returning-into-clause. I tried it with the SqlDeveloper and seems working. The only problem seems that it is necessary tell the OracleCompiler what is the name of the autogenerated column (In my case "Id"). This is my try:

SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE last_generated_id "Team"."Id"%TYPE; BEGIN INSERT INTO "Team" ("Name", "Balance", "EnemyTeamId", "History") VALUES ('JUVENTUS', 123.34, null, 'a long history for this club') RETURNING "Id" INTO last_generated_id; COMMIT;

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(last_generated_id); END;

ahmad-moussawi commented 3 years ago

Actually the Oracle support is a bit struggling, since we don't have a ready environment for Oracle, throwing NotImplementedException and mentioning that in the docs is the way to go in the short term.

I will keep this open, since we need more research to evaluate what is the best way for different Oracle versions.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

Hi Ahmad,

I am currently implementing Oracle support in my data library (which uses SqlKata) and today I confirmed that appending the following to my INSERT command does indeed work for Oracle:

var identityField = "REGION_ID";

// Append Oracle identity query + output parameter
cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + $" returning \"{identityField}\" into :outputParam";
var outputParam = cmd.CreateParameter();
outputParam.ParameterName = "outputParam";
outputParam.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Decimal;
outputParam.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
var returnId = System.Convert.ChangeType(outputParam.Value, typeof(int));

Oracle table definition:

    region_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL

It's a little different from SQL Server in that you must use an output parameter + ExecuteNonQueryAsync instead of using ExecuteScalarAsync as you do in SQL Server. Also it does require the name of the identity column.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

Also, if you are using Docker for your test databases, I would be happy to contribute the custom Oracle docker image that I am in the process of tweaking now for Oracle development in my project.