sqlkata / querybuilder

SQL query builder, written in c#, helps you build complex queries easily, supports SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSql, Oracle, Sqlite and Firebird
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Postgres over-escaping ? #715

Open rolivares opened 3 months ago

rolivares commented 3 months ago

In order to get this sentence using WhereRaw:

FROM "condition_tests" 
  "field_varchar_nullable" IS NOT NULL 
  AND unaccent(TRIM(regexp_replace(field_varchar_nullable, E'[\\n\\r]+', '', 'g' )))  ilike '%' || unaccent('le dijo')

I've used this string as raw sentence:

var sentence = @"unaccent(TRIM(regexp_replace(field_varchar_nullable, E'[\\n\\r]+', '', 'g' )))  ilike '%' || unaccent('le dijo')";
var query = new Query("condition_tests").WhereNotNull("field_varchar_nullable").WhereRaw(sentence);

I'm getting this expression (note the replace chars near E '"\n\r"+', '', 'g') )

  "field_varchar_nullable" IS NOT NULL
  AND unaccent(
      regexp_replace(field_varchar_nullable, E '"\\n\\r"+', '', 'g')
  ) ilike '%' || unaccent('le dijo')

If you compare results using MSSql and postgresql factory are different on chars "[" and "]".

How can I escape or acomplish the statement: E'[\n\r]+'


UPDATE: note the space after "E" on expression => E '"\n\r"+', '', 'g') this is addded qhen symbol "[" is replaced When I've try to escape the symbols with "\" that space continues appearing in consequence SQL does not work

brgrz commented 2 weeks ago

Similar issue here:

string query = "payload_json-> 'bid_TimeSeries' @> '[{\"flowDirectiondirection\":\"A02\"}]'";

I get the following SQL generated for postgres

WHERE payload_json-> 'bid_TimeSeries' @> '"""flowDirectiondirection":"A02"""'

but the expected output is

WHERE payload_json -> 'bid_TimeSeries' @> '[{"flowDirectiondirection":"A01"}]'


was able to resolve this by using convention to escape [,],{,} charactes required by SqlKata like this

string jquery = $"payload_json -> 'bid_TimeSeries' @> '\\[\\{{\"flowDirectiondirection\":\"{item}\"\\}}\\]'";

(note the escaping of the backslash and escaping the special characters)