Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sqlmap", line 110, in main
File "share/sqlmap/lib/controller/", line 522, in start
injection = checkSqlInjection(place, parameter, value)
File "share/sqlmap/lib/controller/", line 685, in checkSqlInjection
injection = checkFalsePositives(injection)
File "share/sqlmap/lib/controller/", line 762, in checkFalsePositives
if not checkBooleanExpression("%d=%d" % (randInt1, randInt1)):
File "share/sqlmap/lib/request/", line 490, in checkBooleanExpression
return getValue(expression, expected=EXPECTED.BOOL, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.BINARY, suppressOutput=True, expectingNone=expectingNone)
File "share/sqlmap/lib/request/", line 441, in getValue
value = _goBooleanProxy(booleanExpression)
File "share/sqlmap/lib/request/", line 313, in _goBooleanProxy
output = hashDBRetrieve(expression, checkConf=True)
File "share/sqlmap/lib/core/", line 3854, in hashDBRetrieve
retVal = conf.hashDB.retrieve(_, unserialize) if kb.resumeValues and not (checkConf and any((conf.flushSession, conf.freshQueries))) else None
File "share/sqlmap/lib/utils/", line 79, in retrieve
for row in self.cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM storage WHERE id=?", (hash_,)):
OperationalError: no such table: storage