sqlparser / gsp_demo

General SQL Parser is a Java/.NET library. It provides a rich set of APIs to parse, decode, analyze and rewrite SQL scripts. Supports more than 10 major database platforms. This repo provides demos and testcases to help people make better use of the General SQL Parser
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Enhancement - SQLFlow JSON Output: For procedures, add information for Procedure Name and Input Parameters #7

Open fprima opened 5 years ago

fprima commented 5 years ago

Although this is not directly related to lineage, it will help us streamline our integration by having to look at one JSON output instead of looking at the JSON and XML.

WillemLiang commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue. It's really not convenient for visualizing XML with yWorks. Why not support JSON output? And also I notice that graph generation can auto placing elements. Is that possible add the graph generation in this feature?

sqlparser commented 5 years ago

@Liang3p Please take a look at SQLFlow here which can generate output in JSON and with a nice clean graph.


sqlparser commented 5 years ago

SQL Server stored procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE SelectAllCustomers @City nvarchar(30), @PostalCode nvarchar(10)
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = @City AND PostalCode = @PostalCode
sqlparser commented 5 years ago

@fprima implement the procedure and argument in the JSON output, please give it a try here:
