squad303 / squad303app

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Fresh WhatsApp account blocked after sending 6-8 messages #26

Open krisso-b opened 2 years ago

krisso-b commented 2 years ago

Hi, I bought a fresh phone number for factory-reset smartphone. I created a new WhatsApp account and started sending messages. I send +/- 5 messages (received one reply like "No!!! I don't want to talk"), after 5h I sent another 2-3 messages and almost immediately my WhatsApp account has been blocked.

Question: how to prevent blocking account in the future when using fresh SIM card?

I also sent 10 emails - ALL of them were not delivered! Do we know what's algorithm which blocks our emails?

ghost commented 2 years ago

Currently, it seems as if Facebook would make use of their TOS, however, I only got kicked out after about 700 messages and my WhatsApp account was blocked. I just got a new number, was a problem of 5 min. I would not write to people via WhatsApp, but via SMS or e-mail, if possible with a masked Russian number. There are massive SMS gateways out there, some of which send a message for under 1 cent ...

Anyway, Squad303 is apparently to be fended off by Russia, so now you have to think about how to break through the message blockade further.

These spastics who work at Facebook and think only of their dirt profit, unbelievable.