squalou / google-chat-linux

source of a fork of google-chat-linux unofficial client from robyf
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Enlarge font size #43

Open capstayn opened 2 years ago

capstayn commented 2 years ago

How can I enlarge the size of the fonts in the chat? I've been looking in the configuration files to no avail. In case it helps, I have a pretty minimalistic installation of archlinux. I guess this might be possible to configure outside the app but wanted to check first.

squalou commented 2 years ago

Honestly I have absolutely no idea. Once upon a time I included css tweaks that don't event work anymore after google changed things.

My best bet would be to try Ferdi instead, which allows to add custom css for pretty much anything. (never tried for a while though)

wyhoselit commented 2 years ago

workaround with adding a --force-device-scale-factor flag to the .desktop file Exec= /opt/google-chat-linux/google-chat-linux --force-device-scale-factor=1.5 %U https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HiDPI#Electron