Closed vwbusguy closed 1 year ago
It looks like it might be pulling from the wrong path for assets. It seems to be pulling from "/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/icon/" (which doesn't exist) instead of /assets/icon, where those images do exist.
If it's helpful context, this is the .desktop file I've been using to launch it:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Google Chat
Comment=Google Chat Electron Client
OK, I figured it out. The only real change in the recent version is --ozone-platform-hint=auto
in Removing that fixes it for me. (I'm running Gnome 43 with Wayland on Fedora 37.)
Hi, yeah that was 'intended' sorry for the breaking change. I consider titlebas a waste of space, moving them around by holding Super key is fine.
I should make it optional though.
I didn't find a proper way to set the option at runtime so I added it in the .desktop file too. You lay want to copy it from /usr/share/applications to for instance $HOME/.local/share/applications and edit it there, to remove the option.
Apparently there are still work in progress on electron side regarding wayland / xwayalnd rendering, the "auto" value may become the default value one day.
Revert done in 5.21.18-3
It looks like it might be pulling from the wrong path for assets. It seems to be pulling from "/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/icon/" (which doesn't exist) instead of /assets/icon, where those images do exist.
If it's helpful context, this is the .desktop file I've been using to launch it:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Google Chat Comment=Google Chat Electron Client Path=/home/scott/Projects/google-chat-linux Icon=/home/scott/Projects/google-chat-linux/assets/icon.png Terminal=false Categories=GTK;GNOME;Network;Chat; MimeType=application/xhtml+xml
Regarding these paths, I have no way to test the package installed on Windows.
I tested your Pull Request unfortunately had to revert it : once packaged and installed it fails with Gnome and Xfce.
Note that he behavior is not the same when installed (with assets being searched from a compiled assets file), and when run from source code (where it fails since it looks for actual paths).
To illustrate, right now from source it fails on my dev machine but works when installed.
will have a look here when I find a few hours
With the most recent release (5.21.18-2), when I now launch it, I no longer have the normal window decorations, meaning that the GUI stuff like title bar, minimize, and being able to move it around without holding down the Super key are now gone. These had previously worked in earlier versions.
This appears to be related from journald: