If you'd like to convert your certificate and key to PKCS12 format,
$ ./certstrap export-pfx Alice --chain "CertAuth"
Created out/Alice.pfx from out/Alice.crt and out/Alice.key with chain [out/CertAuth.crt]
Alice.key and Alice.crt make up the leaf private key and certificate pair of your choosing (generated by a sign command),
with CertAuth.crt being the certificate authority certificate that was used to sign it. The output PKCS12 file is Alice.pfx
add export-pfx command, reference by https://github.com/square/certstrap/pull/54
PKCS Format:
If you'd like to convert your certificate and key to PKCS12 format,
make up the leaf private key and certificate pair of your choosing (generated by asign
command), withCertAuth.crt
being the certificate authority certificate that was used to sign it. The output PKCS12 file isAlice.pfx
or simply run openssl: