square / crossfilter

Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records.
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Filtering Chart #173

Open michaeleze opened 7 years ago

michaeleze commented 7 years ago

HI, i am a good fan of crossfilter but i have one very little problem u could help me with. It is in filtering charts and the "foreach function"..i like the way u explained the filtering and grouping for the data tables but how can i do the same for the charts especially with dc.js charts. Thanks

gordonwoodhull commented 7 years ago

Hi @ebookoos, this sounds like more of a support question, and maybe more to do with dc.js than crossfilter. So you should probably ask on Stack Overflow with the dc.js tag, or on the dc.js user group.

Also, I'm not sure what "foreach function" you're referring to or what explanation of filtering and grouping for data tables, so when you post in one of those places, could you please expand your question and provide links?