square / dagger

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Make Lazy Serializable #491

Closed cizmazia closed 9 years ago

cizmazia commented 9 years ago

Is there a reason for not making Lazy to be Serializable in the same way as Guava Suppliers?

This would make it straightforward to use with frameworks which serialize lambdas (with lazy dependencies) to execute them in a different process.

JakeWharton commented 9 years ago

There's no guarantee the the T in Lazy<T> is Serializable. Plus, if you serialize and then deserialize an instance of Lazy<T> which never fetched the backing T, how is it supposed to fetch that value without being bound to the backing graph?

cizmazia commented 9 years ago

I use the following pattern with Guava Suppliers (for variables used in lambdas which are serialized and executed by Apache Spark in different processes):

final Supplier<MyObj> supplier = (Serializable & Supplier<MyObj>) () -> new MyObj();
final Supplier<MyObj> lazy = Suppliers.memoize(supplier);

It seems that Lazy can be implemented in the same way as MemoizingSupplier. In my use case, this would eliminate the boilerplate code above.

Intended use:

class SparkComputation {
    @Inject Lazy<MyObj> lazy;

    public void run() {
        // The lambda is executed in different processes
        stream.map(x -> lazy.get().convert(x));

MyObj is not required to be Serializable. Binding<T> delegate in LazyBinding would need to be Serializable. Would it possible to achieve that if all the upstream graph dependencies were injected as Lazy?

swankjesse commented 9 years ago

We can't support this in a reasonable way. It breaks many assumptions and I don't think your cute sample is worth the hidden complexities it carries.

One simple assumption: if any dependency of the lazy is a stateful singleton, do we get two instances upon deserialization?

cizmazia commented 9 years ago

For this kind of use cases, that is exactly the expected guarantee: one singleton instance per process.

cizmazia commented 9 years ago

It is not about my cute sample. As far as I can tell this a simplest approach for dependency injection into lambdas which are being distributed into multiple Apache Spark workers. Any pointers appreciated.