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Where should Rules/Collectors and Ownership Plugins Live? #17

Open handstandsam opened 4 months ago

handstandsam commented 4 months ago

Detekt has a "Marketplace" where you can contribute rulesets https://detekt.dev/marketplace/

This is somewhat similar to how I envision Collectors to work, but it's a separate body of work to maintain a set of publicly used "plugins" of sort.

I've removed the current proof of concept collectors from the codebase recently as I didn't want to create a larger surface area of maintainence. I'm still figuring out what it looks like internally, and I don't want to publish things people might start relying on quite yet.

My thought is that I'll give it a few months and see if any naturally bubble up as "General Purpose", and contribute those back as "official" ones, and then also have a sort of marketplace like Detekt has as well.

Creating the issue for discussion and to share thoughts.

Example: Github CODEOWNERS Ownership code exists, but it was ported from another repo and we don't plan on maintaining. https://github.com/square/invert/tree/a11079916c924a640bc16d11196772ac5472ab63/owners/owners-github-codeowners