Closed kelebro63 closed 6 years ago
* android.widget.RelativeLayout has leaked: * GC ROOT android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper.mParentInputMethodManager * references android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mCurRootView * references * references android.widget.LinearLayout.mContext * references de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity.container * references de.aureum.card.widgets.CustomInsetsFrameLayout.mFocused * references android.widget.FrameLayout.mFocused * references android.widget.RelativeLayout.mFocused * references * references array android.view.View[].[0] * references * references android.view.View$ListenerInfo.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners * references java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList.elements * references array java.lang.Object[].[0] * references com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.ViewAttachHandler.attachListener * references com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller$7.this$0 (anonymous implementation of com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.ViewAttachHandler$ViewAttachListener) * references de.aureum.card.userstories.onboarding.specify_name.SpecifyNameController.currentFocus * references de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView$FieldViewEditText.mParent * references android.widget.LinearLayout.mParent * references de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView.mParent * references android.widget.LinearLayout.mParent * references de.aureum.card.widgets.ShiftingMaskedScrollView.mParent * leaks android.widget.RelativeLayout instance * Retaining: 2,4 КБ. * Reference Key: 8bd34c75-dca4-4e31-af3d-0e975adf168c * Device: Archos archos Archos 50f Neon MTKAC50FNEV2 * Android Version: 7.0 API: 24 LeakCanary: 1.5.4 74837f0 * Durations: watch=5033ms, gc=194ms, heap dump=4355ms, analysis=145181ms * Details: * Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper | static $classOverhead = byte[540]@1870036521 (0x6f767e29) | mParentInputMethodManager = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager@583129552 (0x22c1d9d0) | mFinished = true | mH =$MyHandler@591677472 (0x23444820) | mInputConnection = null | mInputMethodId = java.lang.String@588933056 (0x231a67c0) | mLock = java.lang.Object@583035424 (0x22c06a20) | mMainLooper = android.os.Looper@583016544 (0x22c02060) | mDescriptor = java.lang.String@1863859888 (0x6f183eb0) | mObject = -2122560696 | mOwner = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper@593814912 (0x2364e580) | shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager | static SHOW_IM_PICKER_MODE_INCLUDE_AUXILIARY_SUBTYPES = 1 | static PENDING_EVENT_COUNTER = java.lang.String@1865868384 (0x6f36e460) | static DISPATCH_NOT_HANDLED = 0 | static CONTROL_WINDOW_VIEW_HAS_FOCUS = 1 | static MSG_UNBIND = 3 | static $classOverhead = byte[737]@1869915521 (0x6f74a581) | static CONTROL_START_INITIAL = 256 | static DEBUG = false | static SHOW_IM_PICKER_MODE_AUTO = 0 | static NOT_AN_ACTION_NOTIFICATION_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = -1 | static SHOW_IMPLICIT = 1 | static RESULT_UNCHANGED_HIDDEN = 1 | static MSG_DUMP = 1 | static MSG_SET_ACTIVE = 4 | static MSG_TIMEOUT_INPUT_EVENT = 6 | static REQUEST_UPDATE_CURSOR_ANCHOR_INFO_NONE = 0 | static MSG_SET_USER_ACTION_NOTIFICATION_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 9 | static CONTROL_WINDOW_FIRST = 4 | static CONTROL_WINDOW_IS_TEXT_EDITOR = 2 | static RESULT_SHOWN = 2 | static MSG_FLUSH_INPUT_EVENT = 7 | static DISPATCH_IN_PROGRESS = -1 | static sInstance = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager@583129552 (0x22c1d9d0) | static MSG_SEND_CHAR = 100 | static MSG_SEND_INPUT_EVENT = 5 | static TAG = java.lang.String@1865893272 (0x6f374598) | static RESULT_UNCHANGED_SHOWN = 0 | static HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY = 1 | static INPUT_METHOD_NOT_RESPONDING_TIMEOUT = 2500 | static SHOW_FORCED = 2 | static SHOW_IM_PICKER_MODE_EXCLUDE_AUXILIARY_SUBTYPES = 2 | static SHOW_FORCED_FROM_KEY = 4 | static HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS = 2 | static MSG_BIND = 2 | static DISPATCH_HANDLED = 1 | static RESULT_HIDDEN = 3 | mActive = true | mBindSequence = 245 | mClient = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@583017536 (0x22c02440) | mCompletions = null | mCurChannel = android.view.InputChannel@588507200 (0x2313e840) | mCurId = java.lang.String@586908576 (0x22fb83a0) | mCurMethod =$Stub$Proxy@588507232 (0x2313e860) | mCurRootView = (0x22d6c400) | mCurSender = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ImeInputEventSender@588145816 (0x230e6498) | mCurrentTextBoxAttribute = android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@589022832 (0x231bc670) | mCursorAnchorInfo = null | mCursorCandEnd = -1 | mCursorCandStart = -1 | mCursorRect = (0x22d8ddc0) | mCursorSelEnd = 6 | mCursorSelStart = 6 | mDummyInputConnection = android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection@584608224 (0x22d869e0) | mFullscreenMode = false | mH = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$H@584608256 (0x22d86a00) | mHasBeenInactive = false | mIInputContext = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper@583082216 (0x22c120e8) | mLastSentUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = 2 | mMainLooper = android.os.Looper@583016544 (0x22c02060) | mNextServedView = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView$FieldViewEditText@592280576 (0x234d7c00) | mNextUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = 2 | mPendingEventPool = android.util.Pools$SimplePool@584583808 (0x22d80a80) | mPendingEvents = android.util.SparseArray@584637912 (0x22d8ddd8) | mRequestUpdateCursorAnchorInfoMonitorMode = 0 | mServedConnecting = false | mServedInputConnection = null | mServedInputConnectionWrapper = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper@587824312 (0x23097cb8) | mServedView = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView$FieldViewEditText@592280576 (0x234d7c00) | mService =$Stub$Proxy@584583824 (0x22d80a90) | mTmpCursorRect = (0x22d8ddf0) | shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of | static $classOverhead = byte[3900]@1869656425 (0x6f70b169) | static DEBUG_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND = false | static DEBUG_MEASURE = false | static TAG = java.lang.String@1866017904 (0x6f392c70) | static DBG_MOTION = false | static DECOR_SHADOW_FOCUSED_HEIGHT_IN_DIP = 20 | static DECOR_SHADOW_UNFOCUSED_HEIGHT_IN_DIP = 5 | static SWEEP_OPEN_MENU = false | mAllowUpdateElevation = true | mApplyFloatingHorizontalInsets = false | mApplyFloatingVerticalInsets = false | mAvailableWidth = 479.25003 | mBackdropFrameRenderer = null | mBackgroundFallback = (0x22d67c20) | mBackgroundPadding = (0x22d6f220) | mBarEnterExitDuration = 250 | mCaptionBackgroundDrawable = null | mChanging = false | mContentRoot = android.widget.LinearLayout@584499200 (0x22d6c000) | mDecorCaptionView = null | mDefaultOpacity = -1 | mDownY = 0 | mDrawingBounds = (0x22d6f238) | mElevationAdjustedForStack = false | mFadeAnim = null | mFeatureId = -1 | mFloatingActionMode = null | mFloatingActionModeOriginatingView = null | mFloatingInsets = (0x22d6f250) | mFloatingToolbar = null | mFloatingToolbarPreDrawListener = null | mForceWindowDrawsStatusBarBackground = true | mFrameOffsets = (0x22d6f268) | mFramePadding = (0x22d6f280) | mHasCaption = false | mHideInterpolator = android.view.animation.PathInterpolator@584512152 (0x22d6f298) | mHorizontalResizeShadowPaint = (0x22d6a138) | mLastBackgroundDrawableCb = null | mLastBottomInset = 64 | mLastHasBottomStableInset = true | mLastHasRightStableInset = false | mLastHasTopStableInset = true | mLastRightInset = 0 | mLastShouldAlwaysConsumeNavBar = false | mLastTopInset = 32 | mLastWindowFlags = -2055143168 | mLogTag = java.lang.String@584473064 (0x22d659e8) | mMenuBackground = null | mNavigationColorViewState =$ColorViewState@584400560 (0x22d53eb0) | mNavigationGuard = null | mOutsets = (0x22d6f2b0) | mPrimaryActionMode = null | mPrimaryActionModePopup = null | mPrimaryActionModeView = null | mResizeMode = -1 | mResizeShadowSize = 7 | mResizingBackgroundDrawable = (0x22d549a0) | mRootScrollY = 0 | mSemiTransparentStatusBarColor = 1711276032 | mShowInterpolator = android.view.animation.PathInterpolator@584512200 (0x22d6f2c8) | mShowPrimaryActionModePopup = null | mStackId = 1 | mStatusColorViewState =$ColorViewState@584400616 (0x22d53ee8) | mStatusGuard = null | mTempRect = null | mUserCaptionBackgroundDrawable = null | mVerticalResizeShadowPaint = (0x22d6a190) | mWatchingForMenu = false | mWindow = (0x22c38e80) | mWindowResizeCallbacksAdded = true | mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0 | mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0 | mForegroundPaddingRight = 0 | mForegroundPaddingTop = 0 | mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@584512224 (0x22d6f2e0) | mMeasureAllChildren = false | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@584386496 (0x22d507c0) | mChildrenCount = 3 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = android.widget.LinearLayout@584499200 (0x22d6c000) | mGroupFlags = 2375763 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = 0 | mLastTouchDownTime = 6267540 | mLastTouchDownX = 319.33472 | mLastTouchDownY = 738.1357 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@584481840 (0x22d67c30) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@585040848 (0x22df03d0) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@584203776 (0x22d23e00) | mAttributes = null | mBackground = (0x22d549a0) | mBackgroundRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@584512248 (0x22d6f2f8) | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = false | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 854 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = (0x22d549d0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = true | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams@583158928 (0x22c24c90) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = true | mListenerInfo = null | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@584512272 (0x22d6f310) | mMeasuredHeight = 854 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@1863927080 (0x6f194528) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742678 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@584501248 (0x22d6c800) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 25200696 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867680 | mPrivateFlags3 = 20 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@584512296 (0x22d6f328) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = true | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@584512320 (0x22d6f340) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402655360 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = | shadow$_monitor_ = -1888068883 * Instance of android.widget.LinearLayout | static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050) | static VERTICAL = 1 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_NONE = 0 | static INDEX_TOP = 1 | static INDEX_BOTTOM = 2 | static INDEX_FILL = 3 | static sDebugLayout = false | static $classOverhead = byte[3922]@1869763017 (0x6f7251c9) | static SHOW_DIVIDER_END = 4 | static VERTICAL_GRAVITY_COUNT = 4 | static DBG = false | static HORIZONTAL = 0 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_BEGINNING = 1 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_MIDDLE = 2 | static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0) | static INDEX_CENTER_VERTICAL = 0 | mAllowInconsistentMeasurement = false | mBaselineAligned = true | mBaselineAlignedChildIndex = -1 | mBaselineChildTop = 0 | mDivider = null | mDividerHeight = 0 | mDividerPadding = 0 | mDividerWidth = 0 | mGravity = 8388659 | mLayoutDirection = 0 | mMaxAscent = null | mMaxDescent = null | mOrientation = 1 | mShowDividers = 0 | mTotalLength = 790 | mUseLargestChild = false | mWeightSum = -1.0 | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@584386432 (0x22d50780) | mChildrenCount = 2 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = android.widget.FrameLayout@584498176 (0x22d6bc00) | mGroupFlags = 2244691 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = 1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 6267540 | mLastTouchDownX = 319.33472 | mLastTouchDownY = 738.1357 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@584481792 (0x22d67c00) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@585040872 (0x22df03e8) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@584203776 (0x22d23e00) | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 790 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@584400504 (0x22d53e78) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@589024920 (0x231bce98) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@584511960 (0x22d6f1d8) | mMeasuredHeight = 790 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@1863981048 (0x6f1a17f8) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742614 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = (0x22d6c400) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 16812208 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 20 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@584511984 (0x22d6f1f0) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@584512008 (0x22d6f208) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402655362 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.LinearLayout | shadow$_monitor_ = -1947551511 * Instance of de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity | static $classOverhead = byte[2244]@583770113 (0x22cba001) | container = de.aureum.card.widgets.CustomInsetsFrameLayout@584346624 (0x22d46c00) | disposables = io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable@584581328 (0x22d800d0) | presenter = de.aureum.model.userstories.root.RootPresenter@584562456 (0x22d7b718) | component = de.aureum.card.di.components.DaggerAppComponent$ActivityComponentImpl@584542240 (0x22d76820) | router = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ActivityHostedRouter@584472704 (0x22d65880) | mDelegate = (0x22d63940) | mResources = null | mThemeId = 2131689480 | mCreated = true | mFragments = (0x22d800e0) | mHandler =$1@584571840 (0x22d7dbc0) | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0 | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = (0x22d7ee80) | mReallyStopped = false | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false | mResumed = true | mRetaining = false | mStopped = false | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false | mExtraDataMap = (0x22d7ee98) | mLifecycleRegistry = android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@584571872 (0x22d7dbe0) | mActionBar = null | mActionModeTypeStarting = 0 | mActivityInfo = (0x22d63ca0) | mActivityTransitionState = (0x22d75c10) | mApplication = de.aureum.card.CoreApp@583273216 (0x22c40b00) | mCalled = true | mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false | mChangingConfigurations = false | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@584581360 (0x22d800f0) | mConfigChangeFlags = 0 | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@583339512 (0x22c50df8) | mDecor = (0x22d6c400) | mDefaultKeyMode = 0 | mDefaultKeySsb = null | mDestroyed = false | mDoReportFullyDrawn = false | mEatKeyUpEvent = false | mEmbeddedID = null | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false | mEnterTransitionListener =$1@1869859368 (0x6f73ca28) | mExitTransitionListener =$1@1869859368 (0x6f73ca28) | mFinished = false | mFragments = (0x22d80100) | mHandler = android.os.Handler@584485568 (0x22d68ac0) | mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false | mIdent = 16431644 | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@584581392 (0x22d80110) | mInstrumentation = (0x22d29d30) | mIntent = android.content.Intent@584539208 (0x22d75c48) | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null | mMainThread = (0x22c03100) | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@584576688 (0x22d7eeb0) | mManagedDialogs = null | mMenuInflater = null | mParent = null | mReferrer = java.lang.String@584493696 (0x22d6aa80) | mResultCode = 0 | mResultData = null | mResumed = true | mSearchEvent = null | mSearchManager = null | mStartedActivity = false | mStopped = false | mTaskDescription =$TaskDescription@584571904 (0x22d7dc00) | mTemporaryPause = false | mTitle = java.lang.String@583273416 (0x22c40bc8) | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleReady = true | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@584485920 (0x22d68c20) | mTranslucentCallback = null | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1943138160 (0x73d1ef70) | mVisibleBehind = false | mVisibleFromClient = true | mVisibleFromServer = true | mVoiceInteractor = null | mWindow = (0x22c38e80) | mWindowAdded = true | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@584513352 (0x22d6f748) | mInflater = (0x22d54bb0) | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@584482416 (0x22d67e70) | mThemeResource = 2131689480 | mBase = (0x22d33580) | shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity | shadow$_monitor_ = -1926972010 * Instance of de.aureum.card.widgets.CustomInsetsFrameLayout | static $classOverhead = byte[3740]@583401473 (0x22c60001) | mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0 | mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0 | mForegroundPaddingRight = 0 | mForegroundPaddingTop = 0 | mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@584490840 (0x22d69f58) | mMeasureAllChildren = false | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@584386176 (0x22d50680) | mChildrenCount = 1 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = android.widget.FrameLayout@594688000 (0x23723800) | mGroupFlags = 2244691 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = 0 | mLastTouchDownTime = 6267540 | mLastTouchDownX = 319.33472 | mLastTouchDownY = 738.1357 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@584481632 (0x22d67b60) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@585040968 (0x22df0448) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@584203776 (0x22d23e00) | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 790 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = 2131296356 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@584400112 (0x22d53cf0) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@584228792 (0x22d29fb8) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@584490864 (0x22d69f70) | mMeasuredHeight = 790 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@583150720 (0x22c22c80) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742614 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = (0x22d6b400) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 16943280 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 20 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@584490888 (0x22d69f88) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@584490912 (0x22d69fa0) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653314 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.widgets.CustomInsetsFrameLayout | shadow$_monitor_ = -2102339235 * Instance of android.widget.FrameLayout | static sDebugLayout = false | static DEFAULT_CHILD_GRAVITY = 8388659 | static $classOverhead = byte[3754]@1869652537 (0x6f70a239) | static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050) | static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0) | static DBG = false | mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0 | mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0 | mForegroundPaddingRight = 0 | mForegroundPaddingTop = 0 | mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@588337648 (0x231151f0) | mMeasureAllChildren = false | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586636608 (0x22f75d40) | mChildrenCount = 2 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = android.widget.RelativeLayout@594693120 (0x23724c00) | mGroupFlags = 2244691 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = 1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 6267540 | mLastTouchDownX = 319.33472 | mLastTouchDownY = 738.1357 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@584945072 (0x22dd8db0) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@589994040 (0x232a9838) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@584203776 (0x22d23e00) | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 790 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@585201304 (0x22e17698) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@586332552 (0x22f2b988) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@588431928 (0x2312c238) | mMeasuredHeight = 790 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@1863927008 (0x6f1944e0) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742614 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = de.aureum.card.widgets.CustomInsetsFrameLayout@584346624 (0x22d46c00) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 16812208 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 4 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@588337528 (0x23115178) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@588433752 (0x2312c958) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653312 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.FrameLayout | shadow$_monitor_ = -2088505074 * Instance of android.widget.RelativeLayout | static LEFT_OF = 0 | static DEBUG_RULE_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865954016 (0x6f3832e0) | static ABOVE = 2 | static CENTER_HORIZONTAL = 14 | static ALIGN_BOTTOM = 8 | static ALIGN_RIGHT = 7 | static VALUE_NOT_SET = -2147483648 | static $classOverhead = byte[3859]@1869829849 (0x6f7356d9) | static ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM = 12 | static DBG = false | static ALIGN_TOP = 6 | static ALIGN_END = 19 | static CENTER_IN_PARENT = 13 | static DEFAULT_WIDTH = 65536 | static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0) | static TRUE = -1 | static RULES_HORIZONTAL = int[8]@1943674688 (0x73da1f40) | static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050) | static ALIGN_PARENT_TOP = 10 | static CENTER_VERTICAL = 15 | static sDebugRule = false | static ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT = 11 | static START_OF = 16 | static END_OF = 17 | static ALIGN_PARENT_START = 20 | static ALIGN_LEFT = 5 | static ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT = 9 | static sDebugLayout = false | static ALIGN_PARENT_END = 21 | static ALIGN_START = 18 | static VERB_COUNT = 22 | static RIGHT_OF = 1 | static BELOW = 3 | static RULES_VERTICAL = int[5]@1943674736 (0x73da1f70) | static ALIGN_BASELINE = 4 | mAllowBrokenMeasureSpecs = false | mBaselineView = android.widget.LinearLayout@594734080 (0x2372ec00) | mContentBounds = (0x23115448) | mDirtyHierarchy = false | mGraph = android.widget.RelativeLayout$DependencyGraph@588338344 (0x231154a8) | mGravity = 8388659 | mIgnoreGravity = -1 | mMeasureVerticalWithPaddingMargin = true | mSelfBounds = (0x23115490) | mSortedHorizontalChildren = android.view.View[4]@588334944 (0x23114760) | mSortedVerticalChildren = android.view.View[4]@588334912 (0x23114740) | mTopToBottomLeftToRightSet = null | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586636800 (0x22f75e00) | mChildrenCount = 4 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = (0x2372d800) | mGroupFlags = 2244723 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = 1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 6267540 | mLastTouchDownX = 319.33472 | mLastTouchDownY = 738.1357 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@584945264 (0x22dd8e70) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@589993992 (0x232a9808) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@584203776 (0x22d23e00) | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 790 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@585201528 (0x22e17778) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@586615464 (0x22f70aa8) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@588432288 (0x2312c3a0) | mMeasuredHeight = 790 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@1863870568 (0x6f186868) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742614 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 32 | mParent = android.widget.FrameLayout@594688000 (0x23723800) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 16812208 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 4 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@588338200 (0x23115418) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@588433848 (0x2312c9b8) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653312 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.RelativeLayout | shadow$_monitor_ = -1965530820 * Instance of | static INVALID_POINTER = -1 | static DRAW_ORDER_FORWARD = 1 | static MAX_SETTLE_DURATION = 600 | static MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING = 25 | static MIN_FLING_VELOCITY = 400 | static SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING = 2 | static LAYOUT_ATTRS = int[1]@590804768 (0x2336f720) | static DEFAULT_GUTTER_SIZE = 16 | static $classOverhead = byte[3958]@591360001 (0x233f7001) | static DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE = 2 | static sInterpolator =$2@585466144 (0x22e58120) | static DEFAULT_OFFSCREEN_PAGES = 1 | static TAG = java.lang.String@591285832 (0x233e4e48) | static USE_CACHE = false | static DEBUG = false | static COMPARATOR =$1@585466136 (0x22e58118) | static DRAW_ORDER_DEFAULT = 0 | static sPositionComparator =$ViewPositionComparator@585466152 (0x22e58128) | static SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING = 1 | static SCROLL_STATE_IDLE = 0 | static CLOSE_ENOUGH = 2 | mActivePointerId = -1 | mAdapter = de.aureum.card.userstories.onboarding.registration_v2.RegistrationAdapter@584791952 (0x22db3790) | mAdapterChangeListeners = null | mBottomPageBounds = 699 | mCalledSuper = true | mChildHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742523 | mChildWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mCloseEnough = 2 | mCurItem = 2 | mDecorChildCount = 0 | mDefaultGutterSize = 21 | mDrawingOrder = 0 | mDrawingOrderedChildren = null | mEndScrollRunnable =$3@587874784 (0x230a41e0) | mExpectedAdapterCount = 3 | mFakeDragBeginTime = 0 | mFakeDragging = false | mFirstLayout = false | mFirstOffset = 0.0 | mFlingDistance = 33 | mGutterSize = 21 | mInLayout = false | mInitialMotionX = 319.33472 | mInitialMotionY = 647.1357 | mInternalPageChangeListener = null | mIsBeingDragged = false | mIsScrollStarted = true | mIsUnableToDrag = false | mItems = java.util.ArrayList@588350344 (0x23118388) | mLastMotionX = 319.33472 | mLastMotionY = 647.1357 | mLastOffset = 2.0 | mLeftEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@586822048 (0x22fa31a0) | mMarginDrawable = null | mMaximumVelocity = 10650 | mMinimumVelocity = 532 | mNeedCalculatePageOffsets = false | mObserver =$PagerObserver@585407328 (0x22e49b60) | mOffscreenPageLimit = 12 | mOnPageChangeListener = null | mOnPageChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@588352072 (0x23118a48) | mPageMargin = 0 | mPageTransformer = null | mPageTransformerLayerType = 0 | mPopulatePending = false | mRestoredAdapterState = null | mRestoredClassLoader = null | mRestoredCurItem = -1 | mRightEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@586822128 (0x22fa31f0) | mScrollState = 0 | mScroller = android.widget.Scroller@585779568 (0x22ea4970) | mScrollingCacheEnabled = false | mTempItem =$ItemInfo@587901472 (0x230aaa20) | mTempRect = (0x231183d0) | mTopPageBounds = 0 | mTouchSlop = 22 | mVelocityTracker = null | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@589751744 (0x2326e5c0) | mChildrenCount = 3 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = android.widget.RelativeLayout@592189440 (0x234c1800) | mGroupFlags = 2375763 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = 2 | mLastTouchDownTime = 6267540 | mLastTouchDownX = 319.33472 | mLastTouchDownY = 647.1357 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@587874768 (0x230a41d0) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@589993968 (0x232a97f0) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate =$AccessibilityDelegateApi16Impl$1@587874928 (0x230a4270) | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@584203776 (0x22d23e00) | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 790 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = 2131296344 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.RelativeLayout$LayoutParams@586822208 (0x22fa3240) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@586332192 (0x22f2b820) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@588433104 (0x2312c6d0) | mMeasuredHeight = 699 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@591312392 (0x233eb608) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742523 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = android.widget.RelativeLayout@594693120 (0x23724c00) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 16812080 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688 | mPrivateFlags3 = 4 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@588350296 (0x23118358) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 960 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 91 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@588434592 (0x2312cca0) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653185 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = | shadow$_monitor_ = -2116436697 * Array of android.view.View[] | [0] = (0x23236000) | [1] = android.widget.RelativeLayout@594248704 (0x236b8400) | [2] = android.widget.RelativeLayout@592189440 (0x234c1800) | [3] = null | [4] = null | [5] = null | [6] = null | [7] = null | [8] = null | [9] = null | [10] = null | [11] = null * Instance of | static sRectPool =$SynchronizedPool@585644448 (0x22e839a0) | static TYPE_ON_TOUCH = 1 | static TOP_SORTED_CHILDREN_COMPARATOR =$ViewElevationComparator@583036368 (0x22c06dd0) | static $classOverhead = byte[3884]@585957377 (0x22ed0001) | static TAG = java.lang.String@591289976 (0x233e5e78) | static WIDGET_PACKAGE_NAME = java.lang.String@586776336 (0x22f97f10) | static sConstructors = java.lang.ThreadLocal@585637280 (0x22e81da0) | static CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS = java.lang.Class[2]@585644712 (0x22e83aa8) | static EVENT_VIEW_REMOVED = 2 | static TYPE_ON_INTERCEPT = 0 | static EVENT_PRE_DRAW = 0 | static EVENT_NESTED_SCROLL = 1 | mApplyWindowInsetsListener = null | mBehaviorTouchView = null | mChildDag = (0x22e83dd8) | mDependencySortedChildren = java.util.ArrayList@585645552 (0x22e83df0) | mDisallowInterceptReset = false | mDrawStatusBarBackground = false | mIsAttachedToWindow = true | mKeylines = null | mLastInsets = null | mNeedsPreDrawListener = false | mNestedScrollingParentHelper = (0x22e49670) | mNestedScrollingTarget = null | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mOnPreDrawListener = null | mScrimPaint = null | mStatusBarBackground = (0x22dd1b20) | mTempDependenciesList = java.util.ArrayList@585645432 (0x22e83d78) | mTempIntPair = int[2]@585645408 (0x22e83d60) | mTempList1 = java.util.ArrayList@585645456 (0x22e83d90) | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586612544 (0x22f6ff40) | mChildrenCount = 1 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mGroupFlags = 2244691 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 0 | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0 | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585406160 (0x22e496d0) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener =$HierarchyChangeListener@585406000 (0x22e49630) | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = null | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@584203776 (0x22d23e00) | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 699 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams =$LayoutParams@585807240 (0x22eab588) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@586562864 (0x22f63d30) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@590194432 (0x232da700) | mMeasuredHeight = 699 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@586160720 (0x22f01a50) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742523 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = (0x2372d800) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 16812208 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1879254568 | mPrivateFlags3 = 4 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@585645576 (0x22e83e08) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@590476552 (0x2331f508) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653312 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = | shadow$_monitor_ = -2100789946 * Instance of android.view.View$ListenerInfo | static $classOverhead = byte[304]@1870327681 (0x6f7aef81) | mOnApplyWindowInsetsListener = null | mOnAttachStateChangeListeners = java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList@585548336 (0x22e6c230) | mOnClickListener = null | mOnContextClickListener = null | mOnCreateContextMenuListener = null | mOnDragListener = null | mOnFocusChangeListener = null | mOnGenericMotionListener = null | mOnHoverListener = null | mOnKeyListener = null | mOnLayoutChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@590932216 (0x2338e8f8) | mOnLongClickListener = null | mOnScrollChangeListener = null | mOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener = null | mOnTouchListener = null | shadow$_klass_ = android.view.View$ListenerInfo | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList | static $classOverhead = byte[456]@1868320465 (0x6f5c4ed1) | static serialVersionUID = 8673264195747942595 | elements = java.lang.Object[1]@585548304 (0x22e6c210) | shadow$_klass_ = java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Array of java.lang.Object[] | [0] = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.ViewAttachHandler@586764048 (0x22f94f10) * Instance of com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.ViewAttachHandler | static $classOverhead = byte[328]@583416929 (0x22c63c61) | activityStopped = false | attachListener = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller$7@585548352 (0x22e6c240) | childOnAttachStateChangeListener = null | childrenAttached = true | reportedState = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.ViewAttachHandler$ReportedState@584481424 (0x22d67a90) | rootAttached = true | shadow$_klass_ = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.ViewAttachHandler | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller$7 | static $classOverhead = byte[316]@583523905 (0x22c7de41) | this$0 = de.aureum.card.userstories.onboarding.specify_name.SpecifyNameController@587978560 (0x230bd740) | shadow$_klass_ = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller$7 | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of de.aureum.card.userstories.onboarding.specify_name.SpecifyNameController | static $classOverhead = byte[772]@587514881 (0x2304c401) | birthName = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView@593350656 (0x235dd000) | continueBtn = de.aureum.card.widgets.RoundButton@594162688 (0x236a3400) | email = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView@594107392 (0x23695c00) | focusWasRequested = true | lastName = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView@592514048 (0x23510c00) | name = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView@591014912 (0x233a2c00) | presenter = de.aureum.model.userstories.onboarding.specify_name.SpecifyNamePresenter@585760488 (0x22e9fee8) | salutationGroup = de.aureum.card.widgets.SegmentedGroup@589913088 (0x23295c00) | salutationSelected = io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject@585406608 (0x22e49890) | stringResolver = (0x22e6c330) | textWarning = (0x236a3c00) | uiBlocker = de.aureum.card.widgets.UiBlocker@586396288 (0x22f3b280) | currentFocus = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView$FieldViewEditText@589464576 (0x23228400) | autodetachable = io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable@585406720 (0x22e49900) | controllerComponent = de.aureum.card.di.components.DaggerAppComponent$ActivityComponentImpl$ControllerComponentImpl@585548656 (0x22e6c370) | onCreated = true | onDestroyBag = agency.v3.components.model.core.DisposeBag@585406752 (0x22e49920) | unbinders = java.util.ArrayList@585601664 (0x22e79280) | viewDestroyed = false | args = android.os.Bundle@585601832 (0x22e79328) | attached = true | attachedToUnownedParent = false | childRouters = java.util.ArrayList@585602024 (0x22e793e8) | destroyed = false | destroyedView = null | hasOptionsMenu = false | hasSavedViewState = false | instanceId = java.lang.String@583132680 (0x22c1e608) | isBeingDestroyed = false | isContextAvailable = true | isDetachFrozen = false | isPerformingExitTransition = false | lifecycleListeners = java.util.ArrayList@585601976 (0x22e793b8) | needsAttach = false | onRouterSetListeners = java.util.ArrayList@585601856 (0x22e79340) | optionsMenuHidden = false | overriddenPopHandler = null | overriddenPushHandler = null | parentController = de.aureum.card.userstories.onboarding.registration_v2.RegistrationController@587261184 (0x2300e500) | requestedPermissions = java.util.ArrayList@585601928 (0x22e79388) | retainViewMode = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller$RetainViewMode@584540288 (0x22d76080) | router = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ControllerHostedRouter@585201024 (0x22e17580) | savedInstanceState = null | targetInstanceId = null | view = (0x23236000) | viewAttachHandler = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.ViewAttachHandler@586764048 (0x22f94f10) | viewIsAttached = true | viewState = null | viewWasDetached = false | shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.userstories.onboarding.specify_name.SpecifyNameController | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView$FieldViewEditText | static $classOverhead = byte[4204]@584970241 (0x22ddf001) | mBackgroundTintHelper = (0x22eaeea0) | mTextHelper = (0x22ea3e08) | mAllowTransformationLengthChange = false | mAutoLinkMask = 0 | mBoring = null | mBreakStrategy = 1 | mBufferType = android.widget.TextView$BufferType@1869865408 (0x6f73e1c0) | mChangeWatcher = android.widget.TextView$ChangeWatcher@585634720 (0x22e813a0) | mCharWrapper = null | mCurHintTextColor = -1711276033 | mCurTextColor = -1 | mCurrentSpellCheckerLocaleCache = java.util.Locale@585694920 (0x22e8fec8) | mCursorDrawableRes = 17303399 | mDeferScroll = 0 | mDesiredHeightAtMeasure = 28 | mDeviceProvisionedState = 0 | mDrawables = null | mEditableFactory = android.text.Editable$Factory@1869858312 (0x6f73c608) | mEditor = android.widget.Editor@587322528 (0x2301d4a0) | mEllipsize = null | mFilters = android.text.InputFilter[0]@1943666248 (0x73d9fe48) | mFreezesText = false | mGravity = 8388627 | mHighlightColor = 1711314568 | mHighlightPaint = (0x22c1fa80) | mHighlightPath = (0x2322d080) | mHighlightPathBogus = true | mHint = java.lang.String@591988184 (0x234905d8) | mHintBoring = android.text.BoringLayout$Metrics@588866944 (0x23196580) | mHintLayout = android.text.BoringLayout@589797488 (0x23279870) | mHintTextColor = android.content.res.ColorStateList@585371208 (0x22e40e48) | mHorizontallyScrolling = true | mHyphenationFrequency = 1 | mIncludePad = true | mLastLayoutDirection = -1 | mLastScroll = 0 | mLayout = android.text.DynamicLayout@586120488 (0x22ef7d28) | mLinkTextColor = android.content.res.ColorStateList@585690136 (0x22e8ec18) | mLinksClickable = true | mListeners = java.util.ArrayList@587313080 (0x2301afb8) | mLocalesChanged = false | mMarquee = null | mMarqueeFadeMode = 0 | mMarqueeRepeatLimit = 3 | mMaxLength = -1 | mMaxMode = 1 | mMaxWidth = 2147483647 | mMaxWidthMode = 2 | mMaximum = 1 | mMinMode = 1 | mMinWidth = 0 | mMinWidthMode = 2 | mMinimum = 1 | mMovement = android.text.method.ArrowKeyMovementMethod@585106408 (0x22e003e8) | mOldMaxMode = 1 | mOldMaximum = 1 | mPreDrawListenerDetached = false | mPreDrawRegistered = false | mPreventDefaultMovement = false | mRestartMarquee = false | mSavedHintLayout = android.text.BoringLayout@589797488 (0x23279870) | mSavedLayout = null | mSavedMarqueeModeLayout = null | mScroller = null | mShadowColor = 0 | mShadowDx = 0.0 | mShadowDy = 0.0 | mShadowRadius = 0.0 | mSingleLine = true | mSmartFit = false | mSmartFitPaint = null | mSpacingAdd = 0.0 | mSpacingMult = 1.0 | mSpannableFactory = android.text.Spannable$Factory@1869858336 (0x6f73c620) | mTempRect = null | mText = android.text.SpannableStringBuilder@589015968 (0x231baba0) | mTextColor = android.content.res.ColorStateList@1943737880 (0x73db1618) | mTextDir = android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics$TextDirectionHeuristicInternal@1869865136 (0x6f73e0b0) | mTextEditSuggestionContainerLayout = 17367286 | mTextEditSuggestionHighlightStyle = 16974923 | mTextEditSuggestionItemLayout = 17367288 | mTextPaint = android.text.TextPaint@586325792 (0x22f29f20) | mTextSelectHandleLeftRes = 17303403 | mTextSelectHandleRes = 17303405 | mTextSelectHandleRightRes = 17303407 | mTextViewDiscardNextActionUp = false | mTransformation = android.text.method.SingleLineTransformationMethod@585106424 (0x22e003f8) | mTransformed = android.text.method.ReplacementTransformationMethod$SpannedReplacementCharSequence@591785792 (0x2345ef40) | mUserSetTextScaleX = false | preText = java.lang.String@1863749904 (0x6f169110) | textSize = 20 | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mBackground = (0x22e6d790) | mBackgroundRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@593787536 (0x23647a90) | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = false | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 65 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = android.view.ContextThemeWrapper@585724640 (0x22e972e0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = 2131296307 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams@585776536 (0x22ea3d98) | mLeft = 27 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@592887232 (0x2356bdc0) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@590291392 (0x232f21c0) | mMeasuredHeight = 28 | mMeasuredWidth = 372 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@585253960 (0x22e24448) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 0 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742196 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = android.widget.LinearLayout@589467648 (0x23229000) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = -2128476112 | mPrivateFlags2 = 538125864 | mPrivateFlags3 = 0 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@586761264 (0x22f94430) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 399 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = android.view.HandlerActionQueue@588359056 (0x2311a590) | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 37 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@590722792 (0x2335b6e8) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 405028865 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView$FieldViewEditText | shadow$_monitor_ = -1936302791 * Instance of android.widget.LinearLayout | static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050) | static VERTICAL = 1 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_NONE = 0 | static INDEX_TOP = 1 | static INDEX_BOTTOM = 2 | static INDEX_FILL = 3 | static sDebugLayout = false | static $classOverhead = byte[3922]@1869763017 (0x6f7251c9) | static SHOW_DIVIDER_END = 4 | static VERTICAL_GRAVITY_COUNT = 4 | static DBG = false | static HORIZONTAL = 0 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_BEGINNING = 1 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_MIDDLE = 2 | static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0) | static INDEX_CENTER_VERTICAL = 0 | mAllowInconsistentMeasurement = false | mBaselineAligned = true | mBaselineAlignedChildIndex = -1 | mBaselineChildTop = 0 | mDivider = null | mDividerHeight = 0 | mDividerPadding = 0 | mDividerWidth = 0 | mGravity = 8388627 | mLayoutDirection = 0 | mMaxAscent = null | mMaxDescent = null | mOrientation = 1 | mShowDividers = 0 | mTotalLength = 50 | mUseLargestChild = false | mWeightSum = -1.0 | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586634944 (0x22f756c0) | mChildrenCount = 2 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mGroupFlags = 2244723 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 0 | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0 | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585635232 (0x22e815a0) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = null | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = android.animation.LayoutTransition@585616448 (0x22e7cc40) | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 80 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = 2131296517 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams@585658992 (0x22e87270) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@585681648 (0x22e8caf0) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@590291176 (0x232f20e8) | mMeasuredHeight = 80 | mMeasuredWidth = 426 | mMinHeight = 80 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@1863981048 (0x6f1a17f8) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 0 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742250 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 27 | mPaddingRight = 27 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView@589468672 (0x23229400) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 19007664 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 0 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@586761648 (0x22f945b0) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 426 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@590722768 (0x2335b6d0) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = 27 | mUserPaddingLeft = 27 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 27 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = 27 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402669696 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.LinearLayout | shadow$_monitor_ = -1946891389 * Instance of de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView | static IME_OPTION_DONE = 0 | static TEXT_NUMBER_DECIMAL = 6 | static IME_OPTION_NEXT = 1 | static NO_INPUT = 8 | static TEXT_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 2 | static TEXT_PERSON_NAME = 1 | static TEXT_ALL_CAPS = 7 | static TEXT_WORD_CAPS = 4 | static $classOverhead = byte[3980]@584900609 (0x22dce001) | static TEXT_NUMBER = 5 | static TEXT_PASSWORD = 3 | static PHONE = 0 | static IME_OPTION_PREVIOUS = 2 | bottomText = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView$FieldViewEditText@589464576 (0x23228400) | rootView = android.widget.LinearLayout@589467648 (0x23229000) | topText = (0x23228800) | mAllowInconsistentMeasurement = false | mBaselineAligned = true | mBaselineAlignedChildIndex = -1 | mBaselineChildTop = 0 | mDivider = null | mDividerHeight = 0 | mDividerPadding = 0 | mDividerWidth = 0 | mGravity = 8388659 | mLayoutDirection = 0 | mMaxAscent = int[4]@588866400 (0x23196360) | mMaxDescent = int[4]@588866080 (0x23196220) | mOrientation = 0 | mShowDividers = 0 | mTotalLength = 426 | mUseLargestChild = false | mWeightSum = -1.0 | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586635072 (0x22f75740) | mChildrenCount = 1 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mGroupFlags = 2244691 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 0 | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0 | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585635312 (0x22e815f0) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = null | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = android.animation.LayoutTransition@585615296 (0x22e7c7c0) | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mBackground = (0x22c20190) | mBackgroundRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@593787512 (0x23647a78) | mBackgroundResource = 2131165285 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = false | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 303 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = 2131296424 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams@585776368 (0x22ea3cf0) | mLeft = 27 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@592937672 (0x235782c8) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@590291152 (0x232f20d0) | mMeasuredHeight = 80 | mMeasuredWidth = 426 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@585128864 (0x22e05ba0) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 0 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742250 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = android.widget.LinearLayout@589154304 (0x231dc800) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = -2128476112 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 0 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@586761816 (0x22f94658) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 453 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 223 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@590722744 (0x2335b6b8) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653312 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.widgets.FieldView | shadow$_monitor_ = -2037894606 * Instance of android.widget.LinearLayout | static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050) | static VERTICAL = 1 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_NONE = 0 | static INDEX_TOP = 1 | static INDEX_BOTTOM = 2 | static INDEX_FILL = 3 | static sDebugLayout = false | static $classOverhead = byte[3922]@1869763017 (0x6f7251c9) | static SHOW_DIVIDER_END = 4 | static VERTICAL_GRAVITY_COUNT = 4 | static DBG = false | static HORIZONTAL = 0 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_BEGINNING = 1 | static SHOW_DIVIDER_MIDDLE = 2 | static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0) | static INDEX_CENTER_VERTICAL = 0 | mAllowInconsistentMeasurement = false | mBaselineAligned = true | mBaselineAlignedChildIndex = -1 | mBaselineChildTop = 0 | mDivider = null | mDividerHeight = 0 | mDividerPadding = 0 | mDividerWidth = 0 | mGravity = 49 | mLayoutDirection = 0 | mMaxAscent = null | mMaxDescent = null | mOrientation = 1 | mShowDividers = 0 | mTotalLength = 513 | mUseLargestChild = false | mWeightSum = -1.0 | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586635456 (0x22f758c0) | mChildrenCount = 8 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = java.util.ArrayList@591907976 (0x2347cc88) | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mGroupFlags = 2244691 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 0 | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0 | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585637296 (0x22e81db0) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@590476048 (0x2331f310) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = android.animation.LayoutTransition@588869888 (0x23197100) | mTransitioningViews = java.util.ArrayList@588202456 (0x230f41d8) | mVisibilityChangingChildren = java.util.ArrayList@591908024 (0x2347ccb8) | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 513 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@585221112 (0x22e1c3f8) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@592852376 (0x23563598) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@590291608 (0x232f2298) | mMeasuredHeight = 513 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@1863981048 (0x6f1a17f8) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 0 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = de.aureum.card.widgets.ShiftingMaskedScrollView@589155328 (0x231dcc00) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = -2128607088 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 0 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@586758248 (0x22f93868) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@590722600 (0x2335b628) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653312 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.LinearLayout | shadow$_monitor_ = -2142414353 * Instance of de.aureum.card.widgets.ShiftingMaskedScrollView | static DEFAULT_FACTOR_POSITION = 0.7 | static $classOverhead = byte[3840]@585347073 (0x22e3b001) | factorPosition = 0.7 | screenSize = (0x22e81e10) | scrollY = 298 | visibleFrame = (0x22f93898) | maskedViewDelegate = de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskViewDelegate@586758632 (0x22f939e8) | mActivePointerId = -1 | mChildHelper = (0x22e97fe0) | mChildToScrollTo = null | mEdgeGlowBottom = null | mEdgeGlowTop = null | mFillViewport = true | mIsBeingDragged = false | mIsLaidOut = true | mIsLayoutDirty = false | mLastMotionY = 430 | mLastScroll = 0 | mLastScrollerY = 0 | mMaximumVelocity = 10650 | mMinimumVelocity = 67 | mNestedYOffset = 0 | mOnScrollChangeListener = de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskedScrollView$$Lambda$0@585637536 (0x22e81ea0) | mParentHelper = (0x22e81ed0) | mSavedState = null | mScrollConsumed = int[2]@586758656 (0x22f93a00) | mScrollOffset = int[2]@586758680 (0x22f93a18) | mScroller = android.widget.OverScroller@585683040 (0x22e8d060) | mSmoothScrollingEnabled = true | mTempRect = (0x22f93a30) | mTouchSlop = 11 | mVelocityTracker = null | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0 | mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0 | mForegroundPaddingRight = 0 | mForegroundPaddingTop = 0 | mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@586758728 (0x22f93a48) | mMeasureAllChildren = false | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586635648 (0x22f75980) | mChildrenCount = 1 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mGroupFlags = 2375763 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1 | mLastTouchDownTime = 0 | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0 | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585637632 (0x22e81f00) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@590476264 (0x2331f3e8) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate =$AccessibilityDelegateApi16Impl$1@584800432 (0x22db58b0) | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 367 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = 2131296456 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 2 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.RelativeLayout$LayoutParams@585218496 (0x22e1b9c0) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@592852952 (0x235637d8) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@590291824 (0x232f2370) | mMeasuredHeight = 367 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@585097104 (0x22dfdf90) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742191 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = android.widget.RelativeLayout@589106176 (0x231d0c00) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = -2128476112 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 0 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@586758776 (0x22f93a78) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 480 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@590722576 (0x2335b610) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653185 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.widgets.ShiftingMaskedScrollView | shadow$_monitor_ = -1941862706 * Instance of android.widget.RelativeLayout | static LEFT_OF = 0 | static DEBUG_RULE_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865954016 (0x6f3832e0) | static ABOVE = 2 | static CENTER_HORIZONTAL = 14 | static ALIGN_BOTTOM = 8 | static ALIGN_RIGHT = 7 | static VALUE_NOT_SET = -2147483648 | static $classOverhead = byte[3859]@1869829849 (0x6f7356d9) | static ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM = 12 | static DBG = false | static ALIGN_TOP = 6 | static ALIGN_END = 19 | static CENTER_IN_PARENT = 13 | static DEFAULT_WIDTH = 65536 | static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0) | static TRUE = -1 | static RULES_HORIZONTAL = int[8]@1943674688 (0x73da1f40) | static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050) | static ALIGN_PARENT_TOP = 10 | static CENTER_VERTICAL = 15 | static sDebugRule = false | static ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT = 11 | static START_OF = 16 | static END_OF = 17 | static ALIGN_PARENT_START = 20 | static ALIGN_LEFT = 5 | static ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT = 9 | static sDebugLayout = false | static ALIGN_PARENT_END = 21 | static ALIGN_START = 18 | static VERB_COUNT = 22 | static RIGHT_OF = 1 | static BELOW = 3 | static RULES_VERTICAL = int[5]@1943674736 (0x73da1f70) | static ALIGN_BASELINE = 4 | mAllowBrokenMeasureSpecs = false | mBaselineView = de.aureum.card.widgets.ShiftingMaskedScrollView@589155328 (0x231dcc00) | mContentBounds = (0x22f93b98) | mDirtyHierarchy = false | mGraph = android.widget.RelativeLayout$DependencyGraph@586758968 (0x22f93b38) | mGravity = 8388659 | mIgnoreGravity = -1 | mMeasureVerticalWithPaddingMargin = true | mSelfBounds = (0x22f93b68) | mSortedHorizontalChildren = android.view.View[2]@590293264 (0x232f2910) | mSortedVerticalChildren = android.view.View[2]@590293336 (0x232f2958) | mTopToBottomLeftToRightSet = null | mAnimationListener = null | mCachePaint = null | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 | mChildTransformation = null | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586635712 (0x22f759c0) | mChildrenCount = 2 | mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null | mCurrentDragStartEvent = null | mCurrentDragView = null | mDisappearingChildren = null | mFirstHoverTarget = null | mFirstTouchTarget = null | mFocused = null | mGroupFlags = 2244691 | mHoveredSelf = false | mInvalidateRegion = null | mInvalidationTransformation = null | mIsInterestedInDrag = false | mLastTouchDownIndex = 0 | mLastTouchDownTime = 6261234 | mLastTouchDownX = 292.39084 | mLastTouchDownY = 430.38947 | mLayoutAnimationController = null | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false | mLayoutMode = -1 | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585637760 (0x22e81f80) | mLocalPoint = null | mNestedScrollAxes = 0 | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 | mPreSortedChildren = null | mSuppressLayout = false | mTempPoint = float[2]@590476384 (0x2331f460) | mTransientIndices = null | mTransientViews = null | mTransition = null | mTransitioningViews = null | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null | DBG_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 400 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttributes = null | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 367 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584289728 (0x22d38dc0) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams =$LayoutParams@585815672 (0x22ead678) | mLeft = 1440 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@587009400 (0x22fd0d78) | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@590293360 (0x232f2970) | mMeasuredHeight = 367 | mMeasuredWidth = 480 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mName = java.lang.String@1863870568 (0x6f186868) | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742191 | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = null | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 18876592 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1879254568 | mPrivateFlags3 = 0 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@586759136 (0x22f93be0) | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584472744 (0x22d658a8) | mRight = 1920 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 11 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@590722552 (0x2335b5f8) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653312 | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.RelativeLayout | shadow$_monitor_ = -2014384183 * Excluded Refs: | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedView | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedInputConnection | Field: android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession$1.this$0 | Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always) | Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always) | Thread:main (always) | Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
Fixed by #932