square / leakcanary

A memory leak detection library for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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InputMethodManager leak (leakcanary ver: 1.5.4) #988

Closed kelebro63 closed 6 years ago

kelebro63 commented 6 years ago

 android.widget.FrameLayout has leaked:
* GC ROOT android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper.mParentInputMethodManager
* references android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mCurRootView
* references com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.mContentRoot
* references android.widget.LinearLayout.mContext
* references de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity.router
* references com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ActivityHostedRouter.backstack
* references com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Backstack.backstack
* references java.util.ArrayDeque.elements
* references array java.lang.Object[].[14]
* references com.bluelinelabs.conductor.RouterTransaction.controller
* references de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsController.adapter
* references de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsAdapter.mObservable
* references android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$AdapterDataObservable.mObservers
* references java.util.ArrayList.elementData
* references array java.lang.Object[].[0]
* references android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$RecyclerViewDataObserver.this$0
* references de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskedRecyclerView.mParent
* references android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout.mParent
* references android.widget.LinearLayout.mParent
* leaks android.widget.FrameLayout instance

* Retaining: 1,9 КБ.
* Reference Key: ebf9f61a-362e-422d-991b-a5b0f51ee235
* Device: Archos archos Archos 50f Neon MTKAC50FNEV2
* Android Version: 7.0 API: 24 LeakCanary: 1.5.4 74837f0
* Durations: watch=6706ms, gc=174ms, heap dump=3716ms, analysis=102705ms

* Details:
* Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper
|   static $classOverhead = byte[540]@1870036521 (0x6f767e29)
|   mParentInputMethodManager = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager@583105840 (0x22c17d30)
|   mFinished = true
|   mH = com.android.internal.view.IInputConnectionWrapper$MyHandler@586350976 (0x22f30180)
|   mInputConnection = null
|   mInputMethodId = java.lang.String@585612080 (0x22e7bb30)
|   mLock = java.lang.Object@586105024 (0x22ef40c0)
|   mMainLooper = android.os.Looper@583016544 (0x22c02060)
|   mDescriptor = java.lang.String@1863859888 (0x6f183eb0)
|   mObject = -1976374392
|   mOwner = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper@586223280 (0x22f10eb0)
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
|   static $classOverhead = byte[737]@1869915521 (0x6f74a581)
|   static CONTROL_START_INITIAL = 256
|   static PENDING_EVENT_COUNTER = java.lang.String@1865868384 (0x6f36e460)
|   static MSG_SET_ACTIVE = 4
|   static DEBUG = false
|   static HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS = 2
|   static RESULT_SHOWN = 2
|   static MSG_BIND = 2
|   static TAG = java.lang.String@1865893272 (0x6f374598)
|   static SHOW_FORCED_FROM_KEY = 4
|   static MSG_SEND_INPUT_EVENT = 5
|   static MSG_UNBIND = 3
|   static SHOW_FORCED = 2
|   static SHOW_IMPLICIT = 1
|   static HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY = 1
|   static MSG_DUMP = 1
|   static sInstance = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager@583105840 (0x22c17d30)
|   static RESULT_HIDDEN = 3
|   static DISPATCH_HANDLED = 1
|   static MSG_SEND_CHAR = 100
|   static MSG_FLUSH_INPUT_EVENT = 7
|   static DISPATCH_IN_PROGRESS = -1
|   mActive = true
|   mBindSequence = 20
|   mClient = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@583017632 (0x22c024a0)
|   mCompletions = null
|   mCurChannel = android.view.InputChannel@586335168 (0x22f2c3c0)
|   mCurId = java.lang.String@585612080 (0x22e7bb30)
|   mCurMethod = com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodSession$Stub$Proxy@586335152 (0x22f2c3b0)
|   mCurRootView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@584272896 (0x22d34c00)
|   mCurSender = null
|   mCurrentTextBoxAttribute = null
|   mCursorAnchorInfo = null
|   mCursorCandEnd = -1
|   mCursorCandStart = -1
|   mCursorRect = android.graphics.Rect@584936344 (0x22dd6b98)
|   mCursorSelEnd = 8
|   mCursorSelStart = 8
|   mDummyInputConnection = android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection@584909600 (0x22dd0320)
|   mFullscreenMode = false
|   mH = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$H@584909632 (0x22dd0340)
|   mHasBeenInactive = false
|   mIInputContext = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper@583106680 (0x22c18078)
|   mLastSentUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = 2
|   mMainLooper = android.os.Looper@583016544 (0x22c02060)
|   mNextServedView = null
|   mNextUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = 2
|   mPendingEventPool = android.util.Pools$SimplePool@584970400 (0x22ddf0a0)
|   mPendingEvents = android.util.SparseArray@584936368 (0x22dd6bb0)
|   mRequestUpdateCursorAnchorInfoMonitorMode = 0
|   mServedConnecting = false
|   mServedInputConnection = null
|   mServedInputConnectionWrapper = null
|   mServedView = null
|   mService = com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodManager$Stub$Proxy@584970416 (0x22ddf0b0)
|   mTmpCursorRect = android.graphics.Rect@584936392 (0x22dd6bc8)
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of com.android.internal.policy.DecorView
|   static $classOverhead = byte[3900]@1869656425 (0x6f70b169)
|   static SWEEP_OPEN_MENU = false
|   static DEBUG_MEASURE = false
|   static DBG_MOTION = false
|   static TAG = java.lang.String@1866017904 (0x6f392c70)
|   mAllowUpdateElevation = true
|   mApplyFloatingHorizontalInsets = false
|   mApplyFloatingVerticalInsets = false
|   mAvailableWidth = 479.25003
|   mBackdropFrameRenderer = null
|   mBackgroundFallback = com.android.internal.widget.BackgroundFallback@584653392 (0x22d91a50)
|   mBackgroundPadding = android.graphics.Rect@584683376 (0x22d98f70)
|   mBarEnterExitDuration = 250
|   mCaptionBackgroundDrawable = null
|   mChanging = false
|   mContentRoot = android.widget.LinearLayout@584381440 (0x22d4f400)
|   mDecorCaptionView = null
|   mDefaultOpacity = -1
|   mDownY = 0
|   mDrawingBounds = android.graphics.Rect@584683400 (0x22d98f88)
|   mElevationAdjustedForStack = false
|   mFadeAnim = null
|   mFeatureId = -1
|   mFloatingActionMode = null
|   mFloatingActionModeOriginatingView = null
|   mFloatingInsets = android.graphics.Rect@584683424 (0x22d98fa0)
|   mFloatingToolbar = null
|   mFloatingToolbarPreDrawListener = null
|   mForceWindowDrawsStatusBarBackground = true
|   mFrameOffsets = android.graphics.Rect@584683448 (0x22d98fb8)
|   mFramePadding = android.graphics.Rect@584683472 (0x22d98fd0)
|   mHasCaption = false
|   mHideInterpolator = android.view.animation.PathInterpolator@584683496 (0x22d98fe8)
|   mHorizontalResizeShadowPaint = android.graphics.Paint@584693520 (0x22d9b710)
|   mLastBackgroundDrawableCb = null
|   mLastBottomInset = 64
|   mLastHasBottomStableInset = true
|   mLastHasRightStableInset = false
|   mLastHasTopStableInset = true
|   mLastRightInset = 0
|   mLastShouldAlwaysConsumeNavBar = false
|   mLastTopInset = 32
|   mLastWindowFlags = -2055143168
|   mLogTag = java.lang.String@584717184 (0x22da1380)
|   mMenuBackground = null
|   mNavigationColorViewState = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView$ColorViewState@584697888 (0x22d9c820)
|   mNavigationGuard = null
|   mOutsets = android.graphics.Rect@584736880 (0x22da6070)
|   mPrimaryActionMode = null
|   mPrimaryActionModePopup = null
|   mPrimaryActionModeView = null
|   mResizeMode = -1
|   mResizeShadowSize = 7
|   mResizingBackgroundDrawable = android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable@584650128 (0x22d90d90)
|   mRootScrollY = 0
|   mSemiTransparentStatusBarColor = 1711276032
|   mShowInterpolator = android.view.animation.PathInterpolator@584736904 (0x22da6088)
|   mShowPrimaryActionModePopup = null
|   mStackId = 1
|   mStatusColorViewState = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView$ColorViewState@584697944 (0x22d9c858)
|   mStatusGuard = null
|   mTempRect = null
|   mUserCaptionBackgroundDrawable = null
|   mVerticalResizeShadowPaint = android.graphics.Paint@584693608 (0x22d9b768)
|   mWatchingForMenu = false
|   mWindow = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow@583229056 (0x22c35e80)
|   mWindowResizeCallbacksAdded = true
|   mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingRight = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingTop = 0
|   mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@584736928 (0x22da60a0)
|   mMeasureAllChildren = false
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@584555648 (0x22d79c80)
|   mChildrenCount = 3
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mCurrentDragView = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2375763
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 0
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 1124632
|   mLastTouchDownX = 380.2079
|   mLastTouchDownY = 367.5696
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@584653408 (0x22d91a60)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@584736952 (0x22da60b8)
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@583712000 (0x22cabd00)
|   mAttributes = null
|   mBackground = android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable@584650128 (0x22d90d90)
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@584736976 (0x22da60d0)
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = false
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 854
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext@584649792 (0x22d90c40)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = -1
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = true
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams@583126512 (0x22c1cdf0)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = true
|   mListenerInfo = null
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@584737000 (0x22da60e8)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 854
|   mMeasuredWidth = 480
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mName = java.lang.String@1863927080 (0x6f194528)
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742678
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@584382464 (0x22d4f800)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = 25200696
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867680
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 20
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@584737024 (0x22da6100)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584105584 (0x22d0be70)
|   mRight = 480
|   mRightPaddingDefined = true
|   mRunQueue = null
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTop = 0
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@584737048 (0x22da6118)
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402655360
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -1998747497
* Instance of android.widget.LinearLayout
|   static $classOverhead = byte[3922]@1869763017 (0x6f7251c9)
|   static VERTICAL = 1
|   static INDEX_BOTTOM = 2
|   static SHOW_DIVIDER_END = 4
|   static SHOW_DIVIDER_MIDDLE = 2
|   static sDebugLayout = false
|   static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050)
|   static DBG = false
|   static INDEX_TOP = 1
|   static SHOW_DIVIDER_NONE = 0
|   static HORIZONTAL = 0
|   static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0)
|   static INDEX_FILL = 3
|   mAllowInconsistentMeasurement = false
|   mBaselineAligned = true
|   mBaselineAlignedChildIndex = -1
|   mBaselineChildTop = 0
|   mDivider = null
|   mDividerHeight = 0
|   mDividerPadding = 0
|   mDividerWidth = 0
|   mGravity = 8388659
|   mLayoutDirection = 0
|   mMaxAscent = null
|   mMaxDescent = null
|   mOrientation = 1
|   mShowDividers = 0
|   mTotalLength = 790
|   mUseLargestChild = false
|   mWeightSum = -1.0
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@584169088 (0x22d1b680)
|   mChildrenCount = 2
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mCurrentDragView = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2244691
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 1
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 1124632
|   mLastTouchDownX = 380.2079
|   mLastTouchDownY = 367.5696
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@584332352 (0x22d43440)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@584374136 (0x22d4d778)
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@583712000 (0x22cabd00)
|   mAttributes = null
|   mBackground = null
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 790
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584131200 (0x22d12280)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = -1
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = false
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@584371216 (0x22d4cc10)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false
|   mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@586257960 (0x22f19628)
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@584374160 (0x22d4d790)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 790
|   mMeasuredWidth = 480
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mName = java.lang.String@1863981048 (0x6f1a17f8)
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742614
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@584272896 (0x22d34c00)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = 16812208
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 20
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@584374184 (0x22d4d7a8)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584105584 (0x22d0be70)
|   mRight = 480
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false
|   mRunQueue = null
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTop = 0
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@584374208 (0x22d4d7c0)
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402655362
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.LinearLayout
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -1989667021
* Instance of de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity
|   static $classOverhead = byte[2244]@584339457 (0x22d45001)
|   container = de.aureum.card.widgets.CustomInsetsFrameLayout@584270848 (0x22d34400)
|   disposables = io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable@584331824 (0x22d43230)
|   presenter = de.aureum.model.userstories.root.RootPresenter@584105344 (0x22d0bd80)
|   component = de.aureum.card.di.components.DaggerAppComponent$ActivityComponentImpl@584331840 (0x22d43240)
|   router = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ActivityHostedRouter@584105464 (0x22d0bdf8)
|   mDelegate = android.support.v7.app.AppCompatDelegateImplN@584033904 (0x22cfa670)
|   mResources = null
|   mThemeId = 2131689480
|   mCreated = true
|   mFragments = android.support.v4.app.FragmentController@584331856 (0x22d43250)
|   mHandler = android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity$1@584238912 (0x22d2c740)
|   mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0
|   mPendingFragmentActivityResults = android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat@584320096 (0x22d40460)
|   mReallyStopped = false
|   mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false
|   mResumed = true
|   mRetaining = false
|   mStopped = false
|   mStartedActivityFromFragment = false
|   mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false
|   mExtraDataMap = android.support.v4.util.SimpleArrayMap@584320120 (0x22d40478)
|   mLifecycleRegistry = android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@584238944 (0x22d2c760)
|   mActionBar = null
|   mActionModeTypeStarting = 0
|   mActivityInfo = android.content.pm.ActivityInfo@584034048 (0x22cfa700)
|   mActivityTransitionState = android.app.ActivityTransitionState@584100376 (0x22d0aa18)
|   mApplication = de.aureum.card.CoreApp@583336712 (0x22c50308)
|   mCalled = true
|   mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false
|   mChangingConfigurations = false
|   mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@584331872 (0x22d43260)
|   mConfigChangeFlags = 0
|   mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@583277552 (0x22c41bf0)
|   mDecor = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@584272896 (0x22d34c00)
|   mDefaultKeyMode = 0
|   mDefaultKeySsb = null
|   mDestroyed = false
|   mDoReportFullyDrawn = false
|   mEatKeyUpEvent = false
|   mEmbeddedID = null
|   mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false
|   mEnterTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1869859368 (0x6f73ca28)
|   mExitTransitionListener = android.app.SharedElementCallback$1@1869859368 (0x6f73ca28)
|   mFinished = false
|   mFragments = android.app.FragmentController@584331888 (0x22d43270)
|   mHandler = android.os.Handler@584238848 (0x22d2c700)
|   mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false
|   mIdent = 7282596
|   mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@584331904 (0x22d43280)
|   mInstrumentation = android.app.Instrumentation@584039296 (0x22cfbb80)
|   mIntent = android.content.Intent@584100432 (0x22d0aa50)
|   mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null
|   mMainThread = android.app.ActivityThread@583020800 (0x22c03100)
|   mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@584320144 (0x22d40490)
|   mManagedDialogs = null
|   mMenuInflater = null
|   mParent = null
|   mReferrer = java.lang.String@584241464 (0x22d2d138)
|   mResultCode = 0
|   mResultData = null
|   mResumed = true
|   mSearchEvent = null
|   mSearchManager = null
|   mStartedActivity = false
|   mStopped = false
|   mTaskDescription = android.app.ActivityManager$TaskDescription@584238976 (0x22d2c780)
|   mTemporaryPause = false
|   mTitle = java.lang.String@583336992 (0x22c50420)
|   mTitleColor = 0
|   mTitleReady = true
|   mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@584239008 (0x22d2c7a0)
|   mTranslucentCallback = null
|   mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1943135736 (0x73d1e5f8)
|   mVisibleBehind = false
|   mVisibleFromClient = true
|   mVisibleFromServer = true
|   mVoiceInteractor = null
|   mWindow = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow@583229056 (0x22c35e80)
|   mWindowAdded = true
|   mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@584320168 (0x22d404a8)
|   mInflater = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneLayoutInflater@584107872 (0x22d0c760)
|   mOverrideConfiguration = null
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584105584 (0x22d0be70)
|   mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@584331920 (0x22d43290)
|   mThemeResource = 2131689480
|   mBase = android.app.ContextImpl@583558864 (0x22c866d0)
|   shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -2135258920
* Instance of com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ActivityHostedRouter
|   static $classOverhead = byte[536]@584269825 (0x22d34001)
|   lifecycleHandler = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.LifecycleHandler@584335616 (0x22d44100)
|   transactionIndexer = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.internal.TransactionIndexer@584331680 (0x22d431a0)
|   backstack = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Backstack@584331664 (0x22d43190)
|   changeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@584319856 (0x22d40370)
|   container = de.aureum.card.widgets.CustomInsetsFrameLayout@584270848 (0x22d34400)
|   containerFullyAttached = true
|   destroyingControllers = java.util.ArrayList@584319880 (0x22d40388)
|   pendingControllerChanges = java.util.ArrayList@584319904 (0x22d403a0)
|   popsLastView = false
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ActivityHostedRouter
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Backstack
|   static $classOverhead = byte[376]@584632321 (0x22d8c801)
|   static KEY_ENTRIES = java.lang.String@583174568 (0x22c289a8)
|   backstack = java.util.ArrayDeque@584738464 (0x22da66a0)
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Backstack
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of java.util.ArrayDeque
|   static $classOverhead = byte[485]@1863467761 (0x6f1242f1)
|   static serialVersionUID = 2340985798034038923
|   static -assertionsDisabled = true
|   elements = java.lang.Object[16]@584502176 (0x22d6cba0)
|   head = 13
|   tail = 0
|   shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayDeque
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Array of java.lang.Object[]
|   [0] = null
|   [1] = null
|   [2] = null
|   [3] = null
|   [4] = null
|   [5] = null
|   [6] = null
|   [7] = null
|   [8] = null
|   [9] = null
|   [10] = null
|   [11] = null
|   [12] = null
|   [13] = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.RouterTransaction@586249120 (0x22f173a0)
|   [14] = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.RouterTransaction@585856608 (0x22eb7660)
|   [15] = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.RouterTransaction@586183584 (0x22f073a0)
* Instance of com.bluelinelabs.conductor.RouterTransaction
|   static $classOverhead = byte[372]@584632833 (0x22d8ca01)
|   static INVALID_INDEX = -1
|   static KEY_VIEW_CONTROLLER_BUNDLE = java.lang.String@583243624 (0x22c39768)
|   static KEY_POP_TRANSITION = java.lang.String@583088096 (0x22c137e0)
|   static KEY_INDEX = java.lang.String@583117264 (0x22c1a9d0)
|   static KEY_PUSH_TRANSITION = java.lang.String@583120368 (0x22c1b5f0)
|   static KEY_ATTACHED_TO_ROUTER = java.lang.String@583180864 (0x22c2a240)
|   static KEY_TAG = java.lang.String@583187520 (0x22c2bc40)
|   attachedToRouter = true
|   controller = de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsController@586426976 (0x22f42a60)
|   popControllerChangeHandler = null
|   pushControllerChangeHandler = null
|   tag = null
|   transactionIndex = 4
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.RouterTransaction
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsController
|   static $classOverhead = byte[744]@586029057 (0x22ee1801)
|   adapter = de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsAdapter@586266552 (0x22f1b7b8)
|   backPressed = io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject@585890944 (0x22ebfc80)
|   bottomListReached = io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject@585890912 (0x22ebfc60)
|   layoutLoading = null
|   presenter = de.aureum.model.userstories.my_money.list_transaction.ListTransactionsPresenter@586669888 (0x22f7df40)
|   pullToRefreshSwiped = io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject@585890880 (0x22ebfc40)
|   recyclerTransactions = null
|   swipeRefresh = null
|   transferMoneyButton = null
|   autodetachable = io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable@585890960 (0x22ebfc90)
|   controllerComponent = de.aureum.card.di.components.DaggerAppComponent$ActivityComponentImpl$ControllerComponentImpl@585888288 (0x22ebf220)
|   onCreated = true
|   onDestroyBag = agency.v3.components.model.core.DisposeBag@585890976 (0x22ebfca0)
|   unbinders = java.util.ArrayList@585851808 (0x22eb63a0)
|   viewDestroyed = true
|   args = android.os.Bundle@585851928 (0x22eb6418)
|   attached = false
|   attachedToUnownedParent = false
|   childRouters = java.util.ArrayList@585852048 (0x22eb6490)
|   destroyed = false
|   destroyedView = null
|   hasOptionsMenu = false
|   hasSavedViewState = true
|   instanceId = java.lang.String@585756408 (0x22e9eef8)
|   isBeingDestroyed = false
|   isContextAvailable = true
|   isDetachFrozen = false
|   isPerformingExitTransition = false
|   lifecycleListeners = java.util.ArrayList@585852024 (0x22eb6478)
|   needsAttach = false
|   onRouterSetListeners = java.util.ArrayList@585851952 (0x22eb6430)
|   optionsMenuHidden = false
|   overriddenPopHandler = null
|   overriddenPushHandler = null
|   parentController = null
|   requestedPermissions = java.util.ArrayList@585851976 (0x22eb6448)
|   retainViewMode = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller$RetainViewMode@584332928 (0x22d43680)
|   router = com.bluelinelabs.conductor.ActivityHostedRouter@584105464 (0x22d0bdf8)
|   savedInstanceState = null
|   targetInstanceId = null
|   view = null
|   viewAttachHandler = null
|   viewIsAttached = false
|   viewState = android.os.Bundle@587249792 (0x2300b880)
|   viewWasDetached = true
|   shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsController
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsAdapter
|   static $classOverhead = byte[464]@586071041 (0x22eebc01)
|   static TYPE_HEADER = 0
|   static TYPE_EMPTY = 1
|   funds = java.lang.String@586042752 (0x22ee4d80)
|   transactionSelected = io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject@585887920 (0x22ebf0b0)
|   count = 15
|   listOfSection = java.util.ArrayList@586193912 (0x22f09bf8)
|   sections = java.util.ArrayList@586325464 (0x22f29dd8)
|   mHasStableIds = false
|   mObservable = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$AdapterDataObservable@585887936 (0x22ebf0c0)
|   shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsAdapter
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$AdapterDataObservable
|   static $classOverhead = byte[344]@586146529 (0x22efe2e1)
|   mObservers = java.util.ArrayList@586193936 (0x22f09c10)
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$AdapterDataObservable
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of java.util.ArrayList
|   static $classOverhead = byte[460]@1863287713 (0x6f0f83a1)
|   static MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 2147483639
|   static EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1862556952 (0x6f045d18)
|   static serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189
|   static DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10
|   elementData = java.lang.Object[10]@585864688 (0x22eb95f0)
|   size = 1
|   modCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayList
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Array of java.lang.Object[]
|   [0] = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$RecyclerViewDataObserver@585889760 (0x22ebf7e0)
|   [1] = null
|   [2] = null
|   [3] = null
|   [4] = null
|   [5] = null
|   [6] = null
|   [7] = null
|   [8] = null
|   [9] = null
* Instance of android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$RecyclerViewDataObserver
|   static $classOverhead = byte[332]@585836273 (0x22eb26f1)
|   this$0 = de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskedRecyclerView@585947136 (0x22ecd800)
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$RecyclerViewDataObserver
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskedRecyclerView
|   static $classOverhead = byte[4232]@586055681 (0x22ee8001)
|   maskedViewDelegate = de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskViewDelegate@586139920 (0x22efc910)
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerViewAccessibilityDelegate@586139992 (0x22efc958)
|   mAccessibilityManager = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager@583249440 (0x22c3ae20)
|   mActiveOnItemTouchListener = null
|   mAdapter = de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.ListTransactionsAdapter@586266552 (0x22f1b7b8)
|   mAdapterHelper = android.support.v7.widget.AdapterHelper@586229288 (0x22f12628)
|   mAdapterUpdateDuringMeasure = true
|   mBottomGlow = null
|   mChildDrawingOrderCallback = null
|   mChildHelper = android.support.v7.widget.ChildHelper@586140088 (0x22efc9b8)
|   mClipToPadding = true
|   mDataSetHasChangedAfterLayout = false
|   mDispatchScrollCounter = 0
|   mEatRequestLayout = 0
|   mEatenAccessibilityChangeFlags = 0
|   mEnableFastScroller = false
|   mFirstLayoutComplete = true
|   mGapWorker = null
|   mHasFixedSize = false
|   mIgnoreMotionEventTillDown = false
|   mInitialTouchX = 380
|   mInitialTouchY = 272
|   mIsAttached = false
|   mItemAnimator = android.support.v7.widget.DefaultItemAnimator@585757312 (0x22e9f280)
|   mItemAnimatorListener = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$ItemAnimatorRestoreListener@585889632 (0x22ebf760)
|   mItemAnimatorRunner = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$2@585889600 (0x22ebf740)
|   mItemDecorations = java.util.ArrayList@586141120 (0x22efcdc0)
|   mItemsAddedOrRemoved = false
|   mItemsChanged = false
|   mLastTouchX = 380
|   mLastTouchY = 272
|   mLayout = android.support.v7.widget.LinearLayoutManager@585789232 (0x22ea6f30)
|   mLayoutFrozen = false
|   mLayoutOrScrollCounter = 0
|   mLayoutRequestEaten = false
|   mLeftGlow = null
|   mMaxFlingVelocity = 10650
|   mMinFlingVelocity = 67
|   mMinMaxLayoutPositions = int[2]@586140496 (0x22efcb50)
|   mNestedOffsets = int[2]@586140424 (0x22efcb08)
|   mObserver = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$RecyclerViewDataObserver@585889760 (0x22ebf7e0)
|   mOnChildAttachStateListeners = null
|   mOnFlingListener = null
|   mOnItemTouchListeners = java.util.ArrayList@586141096 (0x22efcda8)
|   mPendingAccessibilityImportanceChange = java.util.ArrayList@586140400 (0x22efcaf0)
|   mPendingSavedState = null
|   mPostedAnimatorRunner = false
|   mPrefetchRegistry = android.support.v7.widget.GapWorker$LayoutPrefetchRegistryImpl@586140544 (0x22efcb80)
|   mPreserveFocusAfterLayout = true
|   mRecycler = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler@585963792 (0x22ed1910)
|   mRecyclerListener = null
|   mRightGlow = null
|   mScaledHorizontalScrollFactor = 85.200005
|   mScaledVerticalScrollFactor = 85.200005
|   mScrollConsumed = int[2]@586140448 (0x22efcb20)
|   mScrollListener = null
|   mScrollListeners = java.util.ArrayList@586139704 (0x22efc838)
|   mScrollOffset = int[2]@586140472 (0x22efcb38)
|   mScrollPointerId = 0
|   mScrollState = 0
|   mScrollingChildHelper = android.support.v4.view.NestedScrollingChildHelper@585855392 (0x22eb71a0)
|   mState = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$State@586055424 (0x22ee7f00)
|   mTempRect = android.graphics.Rect@586141192 (0x22efce08)
|   mTempRect2 = android.graphics.Rect@586141168 (0x22efcdf0)
|   mTempRectF = android.graphics.RectF@586141144 (0x22efcdd8)
|   mTopGlow = null
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mUpdateChildViewsRunnable = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$1@585889696 (0x22ebf7a0)
|   mVelocityTracker = android.view.VelocityTracker@586323760 (0x22f29730)
|   mViewFlinger = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$ViewFlinger@585855488 (0x22eb7200)
|   mViewInfoProcessCallback = android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView$4@585889584 (0x22ebf730)
|   mViewInfoStore = android.support.v7.widget.ViewInfoStore@585889728 (0x22ebf7c0)
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@586055552 (0x22ee7f80)
|   mChildrenCount = 7
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mCurrentDragView = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2375763
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 2
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 1124632
|   mLastTouchDownX = 380.2079
|   mLastTouchDownY = 271.5696
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585889776 (0x22ebf7f0)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@584420680 (0x22d58d48)
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat$AccessibilityDelegateApi16Impl$1@585889504 (0x22ebf6e0)
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = null
|   mAttributes = null
|   mBackground = null
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 571
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584131200 (0x22d12280)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = 16908298
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = false
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 2
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = android.view.ViewGroup$LayoutParams@586139608 (0x22efc7d8)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false
|   mListenerInfo = null
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@586935000 (0x22fbead8)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 571
|   mMeasuredWidth = 480
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mName = java.lang.String@585788296 (0x22ea6b88)
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742395
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout@585918464 (0x22ec6800)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = -2127951824
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 0
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@586141360 (0x22efceb0)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584105584 (0x22d0be70)
|   mRight = 480
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false
|   mRunQueue = android.view.HandlerActionQueue@584973008 (0x22ddfad0)
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTop = 0
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@586934568 (0x22fbe928)
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402915329
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskedRecyclerView
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -2114059282
* Instance of android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout
|   static $classOverhead = byte[3872]@585924609 (0x22ec8001)
|   static CIRCLE_DIAMETER = 40
|   static LAYOUT_ATTRS = int[1]@585890416 (0x22ebfa70)
|   static DRAG_RATE = 0.5
|   static MAX_ALPHA = 255
|   static LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@585866872 (0x22eb9e78)
|   static MAX_PROGRESS_ANGLE = 0.8
|   static LARGE = 0
|   static CIRCLE_BG_LIGHT = -328966
|   static INVALID_POINTER = -1
|   static SCALE_DOWN_DURATION = 150
|   static DEFAULT = 1
|   mActivePointerId = 0
|   mAlphaMaxAnimation = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout$4@585764352 (0x22ea0e00)
|   mAlphaStartAnimation = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout$4@585764480 (0x22ea0e80)
|   mAnimateToCorrectPosition = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout$6@586178936 (0x22f06178)
|   mAnimateToStartPosition = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout$7@586178696 (0x22f06088)
|   mChildScrollUpCallback = null
|   mCircleDiameter = 53
|   mCircleView = android.support.v4.widget.CircleImageView@585921536 (0x22ec7400)
|   mCircleViewIndex = 1
|   mCurrentTargetOffsetTop = -53
|   mDecelerateInterpolator = android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator@585890224 (0x22ebf9b0)
|   mFrom = 117
|   mInitialDownY = 271.5696
|   mInitialMotionY = 0.0
|   mIsBeingDragged = false
|   mListener = de.aureum.card.userstories.my_money.list_transactions.-$$Lambda$ListTransactionsController$UX2-utrYmqedK7B-gVrSr66c328@585887872 (0x22ebf080)
|   mMediumAnimationDuration = 400
|   mNestedScrollInProgress = false
|   mNestedScrollingChildHelper = android.support.v4.view.NestedScrollingChildHelper@585855680 (0x22eb72c0)
|   mNestedScrollingParentHelper = android.support.v4.view.NestedScrollingParentHelper@585889888 (0x22ebf860)
|   mNotify = false
|   mOriginalOffsetTop = -53
|   mParentOffsetInWindow = int[2]@585973400 (0x22ed3e98)
|   mParentScrollConsumed = int[2]@585973424 (0x22ed3eb0)
|   mProgress = android.support.v4.widget.CircularProgressDrawable@585866760 (0x22eb9e08)
|   mRefreshListener = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout$1@585890336 (0x22ebfa20)
|   mRefreshing = false
|   mReturningToStart = false
|   mScale = false
|   mScaleAnimation = null
|   mScaleDownAnimation = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout$3@586181216 (0x22f06a60)
|   mScaleDownToStartAnimation = null
|   mSpinnerOffsetEnd = 85
|   mStartingScale = 0.0
|   mTarget = de.aureum.card.widgets.MaskedRecyclerView@585947136 (0x22ecd800)
|   mTotalDragDistance = 85.0
|   mTotalUnconsumed = 0.0
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mUsingCustomStart = false
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = android.view.animation.Transformation@585738816 (0x22e9aa40)
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@585875200 (0x22ebbf00)
|   mChildrenCount = 2
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mCurrentDragView = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2245715
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = android.graphics.RectF@585709888 (0x22e93940)
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 0
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 1124632
|   mLastTouchDownX = 380.2079
|   mLastTouchDownY = 271.5696
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585890352 (0x22ebfa30)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = java.util.ArrayList@584420776 (0x22d58da8)
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@584420728 (0x22d58d78)
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = null
|   mAttributes = null
|   mBackground = null
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 667
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584131200 (0x22d12280)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = 2131296593
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = false
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams@585866536 (0x22eb9d28)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false
|   mListenerInfo = null
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@586935432 (0x22fbec88)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 571
|   mMeasuredWidth = 480
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mName = java.lang.String@585787880 (0x22ea69e8)
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742395
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = android.widget.LinearLayout@586900480 (0x22fb6400)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = -2128472048
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 0
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@585973496 (0x22ed3ef8)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584105584 (0x22d0be70)
|   mRight = 480
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false
|   mRunQueue = null
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTop = 96
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@586935480 (0x22fbecb8)
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402653184
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -2060160016
* Instance of android.widget.LinearLayout
|   static $classOverhead = byte[3922]@1869763017 (0x6f7251c9)
|   static VERTICAL = 1
|   static INDEX_BOTTOM = 2
|   static SHOW_DIVIDER_END = 4
|   static SHOW_DIVIDER_MIDDLE = 2
|   static sDebugLayout = false
|   static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050)
|   static DBG = false
|   static INDEX_TOP = 1
|   static SHOW_DIVIDER_NONE = 0
|   static HORIZONTAL = 0
|   static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0)
|   static INDEX_FILL = 3
|   mAllowInconsistentMeasurement = false
|   mBaselineAligned = true
|   mBaselineAlignedChildIndex = -1
|   mBaselineChildTop = 0
|   mDivider = null
|   mDividerHeight = 0
|   mDividerPadding = 0
|   mDividerWidth = 0
|   mGravity = 49
|   mLayoutDirection = 0
|   mMaxAscent = null
|   mMaxDescent = null
|   mOrientation = 1
|   mShowDividers = 0
|   mTotalLength = 790
|   mUseLargestChild = false
|   mWeightSum = -1.0
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@585875136 (0x22ebbec0)
|   mChildrenCount = 4
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mCurrentDragView = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2244723
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 1
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 1124632
|   mLastTouchDownX = 380.2079
|   mLastTouchDownY = 367.5696
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585890560 (0x22ebfb00)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@584420800 (0x22d58dc0)
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = null
|   mAttributes = null
|   mBackground = null
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 790
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584131200 (0x22d12280)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = -1
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = false
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@585867040 (0x22eb9f20)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false
|   mListenerInfo = null
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@586325944 (0x22f29fb8)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 790
|   mMeasuredWidth = 480
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mName = java.lang.String@1863981048 (0x6f1a17f8)
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742614
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 32
|   mParent = android.widget.FrameLayout@586902528 (0x22fb6c00)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = -2128602960
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 0
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@585851400 (0x22eb6208)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584105584 (0x22d0be70)
|   mRight = 480
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false
|   mRunQueue = null
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTop = 0
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@586325680 (0x22f29eb0)
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402653312
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.LinearLayout
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -2092562579
* Instance of android.widget.FrameLayout
|   static $classOverhead = byte[3754]@1869652537 (0x6f70a239)
|   static sDebugLayout = false
|   static DEBUG_LOG_TAG = java.lang.String@1865699408 (0x6f345050)
|   static DBG = false
|   static DEFAULT_CHILD_GRAVITY = 8388659
|   static DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = java.lang.String@1865807296 (0x6f35f5c0)
|   mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingRight = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingTop = 0
|   mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@585851640 (0x22eb62f8)
|   mMeasureAllChildren = false
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@585875072 (0x22ebbe80)
|   mChildrenCount = 2
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mCurrentDragView = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2244691
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 1
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 1124632
|   mLastTouchDownX = 380.2079
|   mLastTouchDownY = 367.5696
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$2@585890720 (0x22ebfba0)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@584420848 (0x22d58df0)
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = null
|   mAttributes = null
|   mBackground = null
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 790
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = de.aureum.card.userstories.root.RootActivity@584131200 (0x22d12280)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1863154472 (0x6f0d7b28)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = -1
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = false
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@585867152 (0x22eb9f90)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false
|   mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@585885872 (0x22ebe8b0)
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@586203272 (0x22f0c088)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 790
|   mMeasuredWidth = 480
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mName = java.lang.String@1863927008 (0x6f1944e0)
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742614
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742304
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1869858560 (0x6f73c700)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = null
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = -2128602992
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 0
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@585851664 (0x22eb6310)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@584105584 (0x22d0be70)
|   mRight = 480
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false
|   mRunQueue = null
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTop = 0
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 11
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@586325728 (0x22f29ee0)
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402653312
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.widget.FrameLayout
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -2099489385
* Excluded Refs:
| Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView
| Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedView
| Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedInputConnection
| Field: android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession$1.this$0
| Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always)
| Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always)
| Thread:main (always)
| Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
pyricau commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your report, it looks like this might be a leak in the Android SDK.

Please read the following entry in our FAQ: Can a leak be caused by the Android SDK?.

We don't have enough time to do the investigative work on this type of issue, so I will close this issue for now. We'll happily take contributions to AndroidExcludedRefs.java, if the leak is demonstrated and the fix provided to AOSP.