square / maximum-awesome

Config files for vim and tmux.
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Installation not working out of the box #221

Closed cassidoo closed 8 years ago

cassidoo commented 8 years ago

Setting up a new computer, and when I hit rake everything looks good, but when I open vim, nothing was actually installed. I tried restarting iTerm and it didn't help. Solarized works when I add that as the colorscheme, but that's it. Plus, my .vimrc is empty. What could be the problem?

rudle commented 8 years ago

That's surprising. Out of the box support is important to us.

Some questions:

1) Is this really a new computer? Was there an extant .vimrc in place before you executed rake? I'm guessing not, but I figured I'd check anyway.

2) Can you attach the output of the initial rake if you still have it available? If not, can you execute it again and attach the output?

cassidoo commented 8 years ago

1) Yes, really new computer, no .vimrc in place.

2) I executed it again and got:

-- Homebrew ---------------------------------------------------------------

-- Homebrew Cask ---------------------------------------------------------------

-- the_silver_searcher ---------------------------------------------------------

-- iterm2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- ctags -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- reattach-to-user-namespace --------------------------------------------------

-- tmux ------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- MacVim ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Please add ~/bin to your PATH, e.g. run this command:

 echo 'export PATH="~/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

The exact command and file will vary by your shell and configuration.

-- symlink ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- vundle ----------------------------------------------------------------------
~/bin/vim -c "PluginInstall!" -c "q" -c "q"

-- iterm2 colorschemes ---------------------------------------------------------

-- iterm2 profiles -------------------------------------------------------------

 Your turn!

 Go and manually set up Solarized Light and Dark profiles in iTerm2.
 (You can do this in 'Preferences' -> 'Profiles' by adding a new profile,
 then clicking the 'Colors' tab, 'Load Presets...' and choosing a Solarized option.)
 Also be sure to set Terminal Type to 'xterm-256color' in the 'Terminal' tab.

rudle commented 8 years ago

Can you show me the output of ls -l ~/.vim*?

If you're feeling adventurous and know ruby, you might also try invoking some of the Rakefile manually in a console. I'm thinking in particular about the part where the Rakefile explicitly links maximum-awesome's vimrc to ~/.vimrc.

cassidoo commented 8 years ago
lrwxr-xr-x  1 ...  staff    38 May 17 13:41 /Users/.../.vim -> /Users/.../maximum-awesome/vim
lrwxr-xr-x  1 ...  staff    48 May 17 12:38 /Users/.../.vim.bak -> /Users/.../Documents/maximum-awesome/vim
-rw-------  1 ...  staff  3237 May 17 15:50 /Users/.../.viminfo
lrwxr-xr-x  1 ...  staff    40 May 17 13:41 /Users/.../.vimrc -> /Users/.../maximum-awesome/vimrc
lrwxr-xr-x  1 ...  staff    50 May 17 12:38 /Users/.../.vimrc.bak -> /Users/.../Documents/maximum-awesome/vimrc
lrwxr-xr-x  1 ...  staff    48 May 17 13:41 /Users/.../.vimrc.bundles -> /Users/.../maximum-awesome/vimrc.bundles
lrwxr-xr-x  1 ...  staff    58 May 17 13:41 /Users/.../.vimrc.bundles.bak -> /Users/.../Documents/maximum-awesome/vimrc.bundles
-rw-r--r--  1 ...  staff     0 May 17 13:41 /Users/.../.vimrc.bundles.local
-rw-r--r--  1 ...  staff   999 May 17 13:41 /Users/.../.vimrc.local
rudle commented 8 years ago

Based on what you've shown there, .vimrc and its friends are present in the place where vim expects it to be.

Can you restate the issue you're having? I'm afraid I've lost the thread.

cassidoo commented 8 years ago

Not sure what happened, but I restarted the computer and now it works. Thanks everyone, and sorry for the confusion! Maybe it was just something funky with the machine.

eventualbuddha commented 8 years ago

My guess is that ~/bin wasn't in your PATH so it wasn't using the vim that maximum-awesome installs. Can you remember whether you ran echo 'export PATH="~/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc and, if so, whether you opened a new shell after that?

cassidoo commented 8 years ago

Ooh we did do that command, but I could totally see that being the problem (not opening a new shell/not sourcing the bashrc after exporting the path). Good call!!